I have the following function:

void foo(int arr[])
   arr++;        // No error. If I dereference arr and print it, I get 2

int main()
  int x[3];
  foo(x);       //No error
  x++;          //Error. 

Why don't I get an error when I carry out the operation in foo() but I get one when I do it in main? As far as I know, both arr in foo() and x in main() are pointers to the exact same location, the first element in x. So I should've been able to perform both x++ and arr++.

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    `x` in `main` is not a pointer, it's an array (which decays to a pointer in many uses, but is not the same; you can't assign to `x` directly). `arr` in `foo` is a pointer. – Colonel Thirty Two Oct 21 '15 at 13:15
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    `void foo(int arr[])`is actually exactly the same as `void foo(int *arr)`. – Jabberwocky Oct 21 '15 at 13:16
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    To add to the above comment. `x` in `main()` is a non-modifiable L-value. You cannot assign to it or increment it. – Haris Oct 21 '15 at 13:17
  • Gj at finding a duplicate, I failed but came across some other posts that may be of interest: [Is array name a pointer?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1641957/is-array-name-a-pointer-in-c), [What is array decaying?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1461432/what-is-array-decaying). – Lundin Oct 21 '15 at 13:22

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