I am trying to install rollout.io its simply it says put thus code in you ApppDelegate the problem is that it is in Objective-C. So i used a converter to try and change it to Swift but it doesn't work when i try to put the Objective-C import header into my code. Even when i try to convert it the Online converter doesn't even show the "import" part

Ive tried these all ready


import  Rollout
import rollout
import UIRollout

all of these fail.

i can get the bottom part in the swift eject but not the top"import ,Rollout/Rollout.h>" part

enter image description here

enter image description here

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1 Answers1



The following will allow you to setup Rollout SDK in case your AppDelegate is in Swift.


Rollout SDK 1.1.0 has Swift interface for calling the setup, so all the following info is not relevant now.

The original answer:

1. Swift-ObjC Bridging Header

To call [Rollout setupWithDebug:] from Swift, you should have Objective-C Bridging Header set and <Rollout/Rollout.h> should be imported from it:

  1. In the build settings, check if SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER is already set. If yes, go to step 4
  2. Create a C header (File -> New -> File... -> iOS -> Source -> Header File). Call it somehow, e.g. ObjC-Bridging-Header
  3. Go to the build settings and set SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER to point to the file you've created (ObjC-Bridging-Header.h). A relative path is required in the setting if the file is not at the project's root - more details in this SO answer
  4. Go to the header and add the import line there:

    #import <Rollout/Rollout.h>

2. #if debug

In order to allow Rollout testing mode (for easy hot-patches testing) it's also required to translate #ifdef Debug from ObjC . This can be done by setting OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS in build settings like this:

enter image description here

3. Call setup from AppDelegate.swift

Now you can add the following lines to application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?):

    #if DEBUG
        Rollout.setupWithKey("<rollout_key>", developmentDevice: true)
        Rollout.setupWithKey("<rollout_key>", developmentDevice: false)
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