I am developing an iPhone app which has a tool bar at the bottom of screen. In there I have a few icons. One icon that I am using on the tool bar is 84X64 pixels. The size seems to be ok on iPhone 4 and 5, but kind of small on iPhone 6 plus. So wondering what should be an appropriate size for different iPhones?

Thanks Borna

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1 Answers1


iPhone 6s Plus and iPhone 6 Plus (@3x): About 66 x 66

iPhone 6s, iPhone 6, and iPhone 5 (@2x): About 44 x 44

iPhone 4s (@2x): About 44 x 44

iPad and iPad mini (@2x): About 44 x 44

check out this page: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/MobileHIG/IconMatrix.html