I'm creating REST API in php slim framework and i was using it just fine. Locally everything is running perfect but I'm having trouble with running it online. I have server from university where there are a lot of student projects so route to my rest api is:


In bpsql folder there are public, vendor and app folder with composer.json file. In my public file there is htaccess file which is causing trouble (I think). How should that file look, do you think i should change something from this:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^ index.php [QSA,L]

I tried with adding line RewriteBase projects/myproject/bpsql/publicbut nothing has worked.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


apache modules on server got by `print_r(apache_get_modules());

    [0] => core
    [1] => mod_log_config
    [2] => mod_logio
    [3] => mod_version
    [4] => prefork
    [5] => http_core
    [6] => mod_so
    [7] => mod_alias
    [8] => mod_auth_basic
    [9] => mod_authn_file
    [10] => mod_authz_default
    [11] => mod_authz_groupfile
    [12] => mod_authz_host
    [13] => mod_authz_user
    [14] => mod_autoindex
    [15] => mod_cgi
    [16] => mod_deflate
    [17] => mod_dir
    [18] => mod_env
    [19] => mod_mime
    [20] => mod_negotiation
    [21] => mod_php5
    [22] => mod_reqtimeout
    [23] => mod_rewrite
    [24] => mod_setenvif
    [25] => mod_ssl
    [26] => mod_status
/var/www    //echo getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT") ;
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2 Answers2


I'm guessing you are on Linux, but if so. It seems you do not have mod rewrite enabled. So the following could be helpful.

a2enmod rewrite
service apache2 restart

But for easier bugfixing rely on the https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve and much more information about the setup and or logs would be helpful.

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Ok, figured the problem so if someone in future encounters same problem, this fixed it for me:

  1. Enabling rewrite module in apache (Martin's answer)
  2. In httpd conf file i changed AllowOverRide None to AllowOverride All

Special thanks to @David Pastore for all the help and assistance in figuring out the problem.

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