I have a distributed application where a process uploads a file to S3 and other (one or more) process downloads and work on the file. These process now upload their output file to S3 which other process can use. I am currently using S3 for storing this file - which causes high latency for uploading/downloading larger files. The applications all run on EC2 instances. Will EFS be a better use case for modeling this? Will there be latency improvement on using EFS as opposed to S3. Also, will EFS be equally reliable as S3?

  • Possible duplicate of [AWS EFS vs EBS vs S3 (differences & when to use?)](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29575877/aws-efs-vs-ebs-vs-s3-differences-when-to-use) – Smajl Oct 05 '15 at 07:24
  • You should ask AWS directly with this new service. – BMW Oct 06 '15 at 01:04

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