I have this script and I would like to make it work with dinamically added elements from database:

$( ".select-song li" ).each(
function( intIndex ){
    $( this ).bind (

Elements are added in like this:

$('.select-song').append('<li>sth here</li>');

I know that I should to use on function but I have no idea how to implement it here.

El Danielo
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2 Answers2


Delegating event using on():

$(".select-song").on("click", "li", function(){
A. Wolff
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Delegate the event from .select-song to li:

$(".select-song").on("click", "li", function () {
    if ($(this).hasClass('checked')) {
    } else {

This way every time you append a newly created li in .select-song, the event will be bound to it. Remember that it's always best to delegate from the nearest non-dynamic parent. If you delegate from body or document for example, the performance will not be the same as the event will have to propagate until the matched selector.

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  • `If you delegate from body or document for example, the performance will not be the same` Is that really matter for a click event? I mean even Chuck Norris cannot be fast enough to click fster than browser can handle it. ;) – A. Wolff Oct 01 '15 at 16:08
  • yes, it does matter in large applications where many events are interacting together. – taxicala Oct 01 '15 at 16:09
  • and it also matters if the element that should receive the event is way down in the DOM tree. – taxicala Oct 01 '15 at 16:10
  • This is more important for cleaning events when static container is removed e.g, imho – A. Wolff Oct 01 '15 at 16:11