
I am doing an API integration for fetching some data from my Vendor database. But they have this Python script for doing an integration. I just wanted to have a head's up from you guys to help me out with how I can do the same with PHP

import M2Crypto
import hashlib

payload_template = """<payload><apiVersion>2.0</apiVersion><vendorId>jinna</vendorId><txnId>UTFTVAIAD</txnId><emailId>{encrypted_email_id}</emailId><destination>fetchData</destination><myAmount>100000</myAmount><Duration>24</Duration><Type>Home</Type><returnUrl>https://mydomainname.com</returnUrl></payload>""" email_id = "jinna@mywebsite.com"

Read public key. This particular piece of code is to read the public key that these guys have shared with me.

public_key = M2Crypto.RSA.load_pub_key('/home/jinna/work/insights-client-keys/clients/mywebsite/public_key')

Encrypt email_id using Public Key and encode in Hex (Base16)

encrypted_email_id = public_key.public_encrypt(email_id, M2Crypto.RSA.pkcs1_padding).encode("hex")

Create payload.

payload = payload_template.format(encrypted_email_id = encrypted_email_id)

Generate SHA1 of payload and encode in Hex (Base16)

digest = hashlib.sha1(payload).hexdigest()

Read private key.

private_key = M2Crypto.RSA.load_key('/home/jinna/work/insights-client-keys/clients/mywebsite/private_key')

Encrypt digest using private key and encode in Hex (Base16)

signature = private_key.private_encrypt(digest, M2Crypto.RSA.pkcs1_padding).encode("hex")

Print payload and signature.

print payload, signature

Will appreciate your support.

Django Anonymous
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  • Also see [Upgrading my encryption library from Mcrypt to OpenSSL](http://stackoverflow.com/q/43329513/608639) and [Preparing for removal of Mcrypt in PHP 7.2](http://stackoverflow.com/q/42696657/608639) – jww Apr 21 '17 at 17:48

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