Given a type definition that is imported from another module, how do you re-export it?

 * @flow

import type * as ExampleType from './ExampleType';


// What is the syntax for exporting the type?
// export { ExampleType };
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  • Instead of writing `import type * as ExampleType from './ExampleType';` you can write `import type ExampleType from './ExampleType';` – Gabe Levi Sep 22 '15 at 21:49

4 Answers4


The simplest form of this question is "how do I export a type alias?" and the simple answer is "with export type!"

For your example, you can write

 * @flow

import type * as ExampleType from './ExampleType';
export type { ExampleType };

You may ask "why is ExampleType a type alias?" Well, when you write

type MyTypeAlias = number;

You are explicitly creating the type alias MyTypeAlias which aliases number. And when you write

import type { YourTypeAlias } from './YourModule';

You are implicitly creating the type alias YourTypeAlias which aliases the YourTypeAlias export of YourModule.js.

Gabe Levi
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  • but how do you easily re-export all types in one line? – faceyspacey.com Feb 11 '17 at 02:49
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    According to this post, `export type {ExampleType}` is not a supported syntax. https://flowtype.org/blog/2015/02/18/Import-Types.html Is the information in the post out of date? Where is this syntax documented? It is not documented in https://flowtype.org/docs/modules.html either. – Gajus Mar 24 '17 at 11:37
  • FYI, I have filled a related issue with Babel https://github.com/babel/babel/issues/5538 regarding the `babel-plugin-transform-flow-comments`. – Gajus Mar 24 '17 at 11:51
  • For the record: There is an announcement of that syntax on the bottom of the page @Gajus linked to. I tried (Flow 0.46) and it works, that blog post is very old. – Mörre May 27 '17 at 13:29
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    NOTE: `export type * from './foo'` doesn't seem to work. – vaughan Mar 10 '18 at 20:18

The following works nicely

export type { Type } from './types';
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The accepted answer is old and throwing warnings on my end. Given the amount of views, here's an updated answer that's compatible with flow 0.10+ .


  export type UserID = number;
  export type User = {
    id: UserID,
    firstName: string,
    lastName: string


  import type {UserID, User} from "MyTypes";

  function getUserID(user: User): UserID {
    return user.id;


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I just found a need one-liner to do this for ES6 default classes, building on @locropulenton's answer. Suppose you have

// @flow

export default class Restaurants {}

in a Restaurants.js file. To export it from an index.js file in the same directory, do this:

export type {default as Restaurants} from './Restaurants';
James Ko
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