I am trying to do a scan and scroll operation on an index as shown in the example :

$client = ClientBuilder::create()->setHosts([MYESHOST])->build();
$params = [
    "search_type" => "scan",    // use search_type=scan
    "scroll" => "30s",          // how long between scroll requests. should be small!
    "size" => 50,               // how many results *per shard* you want back
    "index" => "my_index",
    "body" => [
        "query" => [
            "match_all" => []

$docs = $client->search($params);   // Execute the search
$scroll_id = $docs['_scroll_id'];   // The response will contain no results, just a _scroll_id

// Now we loop until the scroll "cursors" are exhausted
while (\true) {

    // Execute a Scroll request
    $response = $client->scroll([
            "scroll_id" => $scroll_id,  //...using our previously obtained _scroll_id
            "scroll" => "30s"           // and the same timeout window

    // Check to see if we got any search hits from the scroll
    if (count($response['hits']['hits']) > 0) {
        // If yes, Do Work Here

        // Get new scroll_id
        // Must always refresh your _scroll_id!  It can change sometimes
        $scroll_id = $response['_scroll_id'];
    } else {
        // No results, scroll cursor is empty.  You've exported all the data

The first $client->search($params) API call executes fine and I am able to get back the scroll id. But $client->scroll() API fails and I am getting the exception : "Elasticsearch\Common\Exceptions\NoNodesAvailableException No alive nodes found in your cluster"

I am using Elasticsearch 1.7.1 and PHP 5.6.11

Please help

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12 Answers12


I found the php driver for elasticsearch is riddled with issues, the solution I had was to just implement the RESTful API with curl via php, Everything worked much quicker and debugging was much easier

R. lori
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I would guess the example is not up to date with the version you're using (the link you've provided is to 2.0, and you are sauing you use 1.7.1). Just add inside the loop:

try {
      $response = $client->scroll([
            "scroll_id" => $scroll_id,  //...using our previously obtained _scroll_id
            "scroll" => "30s"           // and the same timeout window
}catch (Elasticsearch\Common\Exceptions\NoNodesAvailableException $e) {
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Check if your server running with following command.

service elasticsearch status

I had the same problem and solved it.

I have added script.disable_dynamic: true to elasticsearch.yml as explained in Digitalocan tutorial https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-elasticsearch-on-ubuntu-14-04

So elasticsearch server was not started.

I removed following line from elasticsearch.yml

script.disable_dynamic: true

Farid Movsumov
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I would recommend on using php curl lib directly for elasticsearch queries. I find it easier to use than any other elasticsearch client lib, you can simulate any query using cli curl and you can find many examples, documentation and discussions in the internet.

Johnathan Kanarek
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restart the elastic search service and set the network host to local "".


Maybe you should try to telnet on your machine telnet [your_es_host] [your_es_ip] to check if you can access to it.

If not please try to open that port or disable your machine's firewall.

Đào Minh Hạt
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That error basically means it can't find your cluster, likely due to misconfiguration on either the client's side or the server's side.

Imran Mushtaq
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Uncomment in elasticsearch.yml:


And set to:

Like this:

# Set the bind address to a specific IP (IPv4 or IPv6):
# Set a custom port for HTTP:
# http.port: 9200

I use Elasticsearch 2.2 in Magento 2 under LXC container.

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I have had the same problem with scroll and it was working with certain indexes but not with others. It must have had been a bug in the driver as it went away after I have updated elasticsearch/elasticsearch package from 2.1.3 to 2.2.0

Tomasz Swider
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I setup Elasticsearch server in docker as the doc, https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docker.html

But it uses a different network (networks: - esnet) and it cannot talk to the application network. After remove the networks setting and it works well.

Yao Li
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If you setup Elasticsearch server in docker as the doc, https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docker.html

But it uses a different network (networks: - esnet) from other services and it cannot talk to the application network. After remove the networks setting and it works well.

Yao Li
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  1. Stop your elasticsearch service if it's already running
  2. Go to your elasticsearch directory via terminal, run:

    > ./bin/elasticsearch

This worked for me.