When i am executing this via curl its working :

 curl -u -X DELETE -H 'accept:application/json' http://localhost:13000/test/test_userid"

I made a common function which accept methodtype ( GET, POST, DELETE etc) and content type( JASON, TEXT ) for the httpbuilder.

 def public httpRequest(String url, String content, Method requestType, ContentType contentType)
            def myClient = new HTTPBuilder(url)
            myClient.request(requestType,contentType) { req ->         
            headers.'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
            response.success = { resp, data ->           
                def reponse=[resp:resp,data:data]
                return reponse

            response.failure = { resp ->
                println 'Response Code '+resp.statusLine
            // called only for a 404 (not found) status code:
            response.'404' = { resp ->
                println 'Not found'
      catch(Exception e)
           println "error"+e.getProperties()

Now if i make a POST request , its working. However if i make a GET or DELETE request using

 def response = httpRequest(url,"",DELETE,JSON)


 def response = httpRequest(url,"",GET,TEXT) 

its shows the following error :-

 error[message:Cannot set a request body for a DELETE/GET method, class:class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

Do i need to make a separate function for GET/DELETE? because

 myClient.request(requestType) { req ->         
            headers.'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
            response.success = { resp, data ->           
                def reponse=[resp:resp,data:data]
                return reponse

            response.failure = { resp ->
                println 'Response Code '+resp.statusLine
            // called only for a 404 (not found) status code:
            response.'404' = { resp ->
                println 'Not found'


1 Answers1


Delete and Get wont accept Body , hence the solution is to make a check and execute accordingly

               def myClient = new HTTPBuilder(url)
               myClient.request(requestType) { req ->          
               headers.'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
               headers.Accept = 'application/json'
               response.success = { resp, data ->          
                    def reponse=[resp:resp,data:data]
                    return reponse

               response.failure = { resp ->
                   println 'Response Code '+resp.statusLine
               // called only for a 404 (not found) status code:
               response.'404' = { resp ->
                   println 'Not found'
           catch(Exception e)
              println "error"+e.getProperties()
     <---post request --> 
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