
Any body can tell me

when to use the abstract class and when to use interface?

So many websites having only differences. I am not able to get these terms

"when to use the abstract class and when to use interface"

Thanks in Advance

  • 2
    possible duplicate of [Use of Java \[Interfaces / Abstract classes\]](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2869222/use-of-java-interfaces-abstract-classes) – Pradeep Simha Aug 23 '15 at 07:18
  • 2
    http://stackoverflow.com/questions/761194/interface-vs-abstract-class-general-oo – Codebender Aug 23 '15 at 07:20

2 Answers2



An interface is kinda* like a template. Say for example that you want to make a 'Shape' class. Not all shapes use the same formulas for calculating area, so you just establish that there has to be a "getArea" method, but you don't define it.

A simple example:

public interface Shape

    public int getArea();


Then you can have a class that implements the Shape interface:

public class Rectangle implements Shape
    //this works for rectangles but not for circles or triangles
    public int getArea()
       return this.getLength() * this.getHeight();


Abstract Classes

Abstract methods can be extended by subclasses.* They differ from interfaces in that they can also contain defined methods.

You can still leave undefined methods, but you must label them abstract.

An example:

public abstract class Vegetable 
    public String vegName;
    public boolean edible = true;

    public Vegetable(final String vegName, final boolean edible)
        this.vegName = vegName;
        this.edible = edible;

    public void printName()

    //to be determined later when implemented
    public abstract void drawOnScreen();


Then we can extend this abstract class.

public class Carrot extends Vegetable
    //we must define the abstract methods
    public void drawOnScreen()
        //we can still use our other methods

        //do some other thing that is specific to this class

Interfaces cannot contain implementation (at least prior to Java 8) so if you need "common" method implementation, you have to have it in a super class (be it abstract or concrete)

However, any class can have only one super class (but many interfaces). so an interface is the solution for polymorphism when you have a class that already got a super class

Sharon Ben Asher
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  • Does your answer anyhow reflects when to use interface/abstract class and when not to. You just give the definition of that :-O !!! – royki Aug 23 '15 at 07:53
  • @Altius: when to use super class: "if you need "common" method implementation", when to use interface: "when you have a class that already got a super class" – Sharon Ben Asher Aug 23 '15 at 08:47
  • I got your point but your answer certainly doesn't reflect that I think you need to modify and elaborate your answer – royki Aug 23 '15 at 10:47
  • what do you mean "your answer certainly doesn't reflect that". I was qouting my answer. it is possible that it can benefit from elaboration, but it DOES answer the question (even better than the longer other answer, imo) and i think the downvote is uncalled for. – Sharon Ben Asher Aug 23 '15 at 11:03