We have our single page javascript app in one repository and our backend server in another. Is there any way for a passing build on the backend server to trigger a build of the single page app?

We don't want to combine them into a single repository, but we do want to make sure that changes to one don't break the other.

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  • Technically you could somehow push empty commit from withing server's travis.yml file to js app repo (or "empty" pull request). This would trigger it. Though you would have to work on having your credentials safe. – RippeR Aug 20 '15 at 23:10

2 Answers2


Yes, it is possible to trigger another Travis job after a first one succeeds. You can use the trigger-travis.sh script.

The script's documentation tells how to use it -- set an environment variable and add a few lines to your .travis.yml file.

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It's possible yes and it's also possible to wait related build result.

I discover trigger-travis.sh from the previous answer but before that I was implementing my own solution (for full working source code: cf. pending pull request PR196 and live result)


Based on travis API v3 documentation:

You will need a travis token, and setup this token as secreet environment variable on travis portal.

Following this doc, I were able to trigger a build, and wait for him.

1) make .travis_hook_qa.sh

(extract) - to trigger a new build :

   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -H "Accept: application/json" \
   -H "Travis-API-Version: 3" \
   -H "Authorization: token ${QA_TOKEN}" \
   -d "$body" \

(it's trigger-travis.sh equivalent) You could make some customization on the build definition (with $body)

2) make .travis_wait_build.sh

(extract) - to wait a just created build, get build info :

    BUILD_INFO=$(curl -s -X GET \
       -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
       -H "Accept: application/json" \
       -H "Travis-API-Version: 3" \
       -H "Authorization: token ${QA_TOKEN}" \
       https://api.travis-ci.org/repo/${QA_SLUG}/builds?include=build.state\&include=build.id\&include=build.started_at\&branch.name=master\&sort_by=started_atdesc\&limit=1 )
    BUILD_STATE=$(echo "${BUILD_INFO}" | grep -Po '"state":.*?[^\\]",'|head -n1| awk -F "\"" '{print $4}')
    BUILD_ID=$(echo "${BUILD_INFO}" | grep '"id": '|head -n1| awk -F'[ ,]' '{print $8}')

You will have to wait until your timeout or expected final state..

Reminder: possible travis build states are created|started (and then) passed|failed

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