Basically i'm doing redirect from a.example.com to www.example.com and i expect to be able to delete cookies on www.example.com (because cookie is created with .example.com as the cookie domain), but following code doesn't work.

I know that this question seems like duplicate question, i tried everything from similar question but it doesn't work. See after the code what i already tried.

Using express 3.0.3 and node 0.10.32.

express session middleware

var cookiedata = { 
    domain              : '.example.com',
    originalMaxAge      : null,
    httpOnly            : false

        store  : ..., 
        secret : ..., 
        key    : 'express.sid', 
        cookie : cookiedata 

logout function

function logout(req, res){

        req.session = null;

        res.clearCookie('express.sid', { path: '/' });


What i already tried from similar question

  1. https://github.com/strongloop/express/issues/691

So i put path : '/' in express session middleware such as:

app.use(express.session({ ..., path : '/' });

No success.

  1. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/express-js/PmgGMNOzhgM
    Instead res.clearCookie i used: res.cookie('express.sid', '', {expires: new Date(1), path: '/' });

No success.

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3 Answers3


This is response.clearCookie of Express.JS (file response.js at line 749).

var opts = merge({ expires: new Date(1), path: '/' }, options);
return this.cookie(name, '', opts);

If you set a breakpoint at this line you will see expires is reported at an invalid date. So instead of using response.clearCookie, just make it expire immediately like this one.

response.cookie("express.sid", "", { expires: new Date() });
Tien Do
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This is working for me with cookie-parser module:

router.get('/logout', function(req, res){
    cookie = req.cookies;
    for (var prop in cookie) {
        if (!cookie.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
        res.cookie(prop, '', {expires: new Date(0)});
Sandro Wiggers
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What worked for me was adding path and domain in res.clearCookie

res.clearCookie(<cookie-name>, {path: '/', domain: <domain-on-which-cookie-is-set>}

Also, make sure to include credentials on the frontend, otherwise no cookie will be sent with the request. If no cookie goes to the server, it has nothing to clear!

fetch('url.com', {credentials: "include"}

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