Okay, I'll try to make it short.

I got an XML file from Musicbrainz. Then I converted it to CSV and replaced the .'s with _'s to make it work with Liquid.

I put music.csv in _data and call it with:

{% include music.html %}

_includes/music.html looks (in part) like:

 <table border="1" style="width:100%">
<td>Track title</td>
{% if member.release_medium-list_medium_track-list_track_0_recording_artist-credit_name-credit_artist_name %}
    <td>{{ member.release_medium-list_medium_track-list_track_0_recording_artist-credit_name-credit_artist_name }}</td>
{% endif %}

{% if member.release_medium-list_medium_track-list_track_0_recording_title %}
    <td>{{ member.release_medium-list_medium_track-list_track_0_recording_title }}</td>
{% endif %}

{% if member.release_medium-list_medium_track-list_track_1_recording_artist-credit_name-credit_artist_name %}
    <td>{{ member.release_medium-list_medium_track-list_track_1_recording_artist-credit_name-credit_artist_name }}</td>
{% endif %}

{% if member.release_medium-list_medium_track-list_track_1_recording_title %}
    <td>{{ member.release_medium-list_medium_track-list_track_1_recording_title }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% if member.release_medium-list_medium_track-list_track_2_recording_artist-credit_name-credit_artist_name %}
    <td>{{ member.release_medium-list_medium_track-list_track_2_recording_artist-credit_name-credit_artist_name }}</td>
{% endif %}

{% if member.release_medium-list_medium_track-list_track_2_recording_title %}
    <td>{{ member.release_medium-list_medium_track-list_track_2_recording_title }}</td>
{% endif %}

Now, clearly, this is not the best way to do it. What I'm after is something that:

  1. Looks for the relevant data
  2. If the data is there, creates the cells and fills them out.

I'm pretty sure this can be done with Liquid, but I have no idea how. Can someone here help?

EDIT: Turns out I forgot the CSV file -- here it is, on Pastebin.

EDIT 2: This Cheat Sheet might be of help!

  • 1
    Possibly useful/duplicate: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8206869/iterate-over-hashes-in-liquid-templates – Shadowen Aug 14 '15 at 18:37
  • 1
    An example of the CSV file you are trying to process would help. Personally I think you will have much more success if you can convert to a JSON file and do some pre-processing to clean up the data. – David Hutchison Aug 14 '15 at 21:30
  • Also, I don't think cleaning up the file is good as I will probably be merging it with another file (or several other files) from Musicbrainz later. Why would it be better to work with a JSON file? – Kristian Nordestgaard Aug 14 '15 at 23:13

2 Answers2


The format of a CSV file inherently does not support repeated sections so I think it would be a bad fit for the variable length data format you are trying to use. I feel JSON is more appropriate for this use case as it can handle the structure of the source data you are trying to work with.

As a quick example I put the XML file you supplied through this converter to create a JSON version of the output. This was saved as "_data/music.json".

This liquid code was then used to parse this:

{% for item in site.data.music %}

    <h2> {{ item[1].release.title }}</h2>

    {% for medium in item[1].release.medium-list %}

    <h3> {{ medium[1].format }} </h3>

    <table border="1" style="width:100%">
            <td>Track title</td>
        {% for track in medium[1].track-list.track %}
                <td>{{ track.recording.artist-credit.name-credit.artist.name }}</td>
                <td>{{ track.recording.title }}</td>
        {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

This produces HTML like this (trimmed):

<h2> The Quatermass Film Music Collection</h2>    
<h3> CD </h3>
<table border="1" style="width:100%">
        <td>Track title</td>
        <td>Tristram Cary</td>
        <td>Quatermass and the Pit: Opening Credits</td>
        <td>Tristram Cary</td>
        <td>Quatermass and the Pit: Bones</td>

Based on this you should be able to produce the format you ultimately want.

David Hutchison
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  • Thanks so much, that's definitely something I can work from! One small thing to note: the indentation in your sample Liquid code works as escaping, other than that it is great! – Kristian Nordestgaard Aug 21 '15 at 21:41

This is a simple way to iterate over a csv file.

<div class="table-responsive">
  <table class="table">
      {% for column in include.datafile[0] %} 
        <th>{{ column[0] }}</th>
      {% endfor %}
    {% for spec in include.datafile %} 
      {% for value in spec %}
        <td>{{ value[1] }}</td>
      {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
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