I'm counting staged files in git using GitPython.

For modified files, I can use

repo = git.Repo()
modified_files = len(repo.index.diff(None))

But for staged files I can't find the solution.

I know git status --porcelain but I'm looking for other solution which is better. (I hope using gitpython not git command, the script will be faster)

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1 Answers1


You are close, use repo.index.diff("HEAD") to get files in staging area.

Full demo:

First create a test repo:

$ cd test
$ mkdir repo && cd repo && touch a b c && git init && git add . && git commit -m "init"
$ echo "a" > a && echo "b" > b && echo "c" > c && git add a b
$ git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
        modified:   a
        modified:   b
Changes not staged for commit:
        modified:   c

Now check in ipython:

$ ipython
In [1]: import git
In [2]: repo = git.Repo()
In [3]: count_modified_files = len(repo.index.diff(None))
In [4]: count_staged_files = len(repo.index.diff("HEAD"))
In [5]: print count_modified_files, count_staged_files
1 2
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