I have the following setup:


class A {
    friend class B;
    A() {}

class B {
    void addObject(Object &o); // adds to myMember; A is not exposed!
    void computeResult(Result &r); // uses myMember to compute result
    vector<A> myMember;

An object of A will never be exposed to any program including foo.h. The vector with A's is only there to help B in its computation adapter role. By making A's constructor private, I thought I could avoid other compilation units from using it, and it seems to work. However, the problem is in


void B::computeResult(Result &r) {
    MyCustomStorage<A> storage;
    A *a = storage.allocate(); // error: "A::A() is private"

where part of MyCustomStorage looks like so:

template <typename T>
class MyCustomStorage {
    T *allocate() {
        T *ptr = new T[count]; // error: "A::A() is private"

But I thought since allocate() is called from a member function, this wouldn´t happen! How could I solve this?

Making A a friend to MyCustomStorage seems very spaghetti-codish. Making A a private nested class of B makes all sorts of help-classes in foo.cpp fail because "A is private".

So what would be the cleanest way to solve this?


I ended up going with @potatoswatter 's second solution, with these appropriate changes:


class B {
    void addObject(Object &o); // adds to myMember; A is not exposed!
    void computeResult(Result &r); // uses myMember to compute result
    class A {
        A() {}
    class Helper; // forward declared!
    vector<A> myMember;


class B::Helper {
    int help(A& a) { return 42; } // no problem! Helper is a member of B

void B::computeResult(Result &r) {
    MyCustomStorage<A> storage;
    A *a = storage.allocate(); // no problem! A is a member of B
    Helper h;
    h.help(*a); // no problem!
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2 Answers2


It's not the constructor of A that is private, it's the entire class.

The best solution is to create a "private" namespace. C++ doesn't have namespace-level access protection, but it's reasonable to expect that users won't access an unfamiliar namespace.

namespace impl {
struct A {
    A() {}

class B {
    void addObject(Object &o); // adds to myMember; A is not exposed!
    void computeResult(Result &r); // uses myMember to compute result
    vector<impl::A> myMember;

Another approach is to make A a member of B. This offers "real" access protection at the expense of deeper nesting. I personally prefer the first solution, and to avoid nested classes.

class B {
    void addObject(Object &o); // adds to myMember; A is not exposed!
    void computeResult(Result &r); // uses myMember to compute result
    struct A {
        A() {}

    vector<A> myMember;

Any helpers that need A would then need to be friends. There are various workarounds like nesting A in a base class with protected access, but really, namespace impl offers the least compromises.

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    I like the second one more. It is objectively better since it encapsulates `A`, which the first version does not. I wouldn't hope for people not accessing unfamiliar namespaces, `namespace std;` once was unfamiliar and still everyone is `using` it. – nwp Aug 11 '15 at 14:23
  • @nwp But namespaces like `std::__1` and `std::__function` are unfamiliar. Large, popular libraries including all standard library implementations, Boost, etc, tend to prefer the first approach, and otherwise do not contort classes for the sake of access protection. – Potatoswatter Aug 11 '15 at 21:53
  • @potatoswatter I've used the second solution, edited in my first post. I'd love your comments on whether there's the contortion problem mentioned. – bombax Aug 12 '15 at 14:20
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    @bombax Sure, that works. If there's any "contortion," it's just that `B` is capturing additional functionality as if it were a namespace. If it becomes a problem, you can always refactor the nested classes out. – Potatoswatter Aug 12 '15 at 22:22

IMHO, You have a couple options. You can either 1) Use the Pimpl idiom, or, 2) you can use forward declaration.

Pimpl Idiom Example:

class B {
    void addObject(Object &o); // adds to myMember; A is not exposed!
    void computeResult(Result &r); // uses myMember to compute result
    class Impl;
    Impl *pimpl;

And in your *.cpp file, you can define the Impl class and use it's guts.

class B::Impl {
    std::vector<A> stuff;

B::B() : pimpl(new Impl) {

B::~B() {
    delete pimpl;

void B::AddObject(Object &o) {

You can also use a smart pointer for the Pimpl idiom, I just didn't here for the sake of clarity/brevity.

Forward declaration can also be used if A is in the same namespace as B

class B {
    void addObject(Object &o); // adds to myMember; A is not exposed!
    void computeResult(Result &r); // uses myMember to compute result
    std::vector<class A*> myMember;

But this idiom is fundamentally different than your requirements and restricts you to using a pointer within your object myMember, which you may not want to do. Inline defining class A* is also a non-standard forward-declarative approach. Of course, use of smart pointers would reduce the possibility of memory-leaks at this location.

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