I have this part of ajax code on my windows8

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js "></script>

        var text = document.getElementById("textbox");
        var query = text.value;
        $('#response').html("<b>Loading response...</b>");

            type: 'POST',
            url: '', 
            data: { query : query }
            alert("sent query");             
        .fail(function() {         
           alert( "Posting failed." );

        return false;


and php code on my virtual Ubuntu machine

echo $_POST['query'];

IP address is correct and it's always fixed. But ajax always says 'posting failed'. when I put html code on server and just set url :'search2/info.php' it works. but when it's remote server with http:// ipaddress / search2 / phpname it doesn't work. By the way my php code is in var/www/html/search2 hosted on apache. Is this problem from ajax ? even when I click on this complete url it shows server page! but ajax can't use this direct url to .php !

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2 Answers2


Ajax has a cross domain protection, to prevent loading from domain others than then one you browse to.

This is a security feature. I suggest you read about it a bit here: jQuery AJAX cross domain

And there are many other questions on the subject.

Igal S.
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I 'm really glad to find it myself !! I 'v open .html by double click (it was really wrong and I never noticed) and now I understand open it on localhost or !it works properly . before , alert shows it works but there were no answer from server ... And also it printed whole page!! see , I had lots of comments after the tag so it echo all of comments :)

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