I am trying (again) to create camera preview logic that actually works properly, for all scenarios:

  • any device: phone, tablet, toaster, whatever
  • any camera: front-facing, rear-facing, side-facing, dog-facing, whatever
  • android.hardware.Camera and android.hardware.camera2
  • portrait and landscape device orientations

Since my minSdkVersion is 15, and since I am not especially concerned about performance, I am trying to use a TextureView. And, following the advice of fadden in places like here and here, I am trying to use setTransform() on that TextureView with an appropriate Matrix that:

  • orients the preview properly, taking device orientation into account
  • fills the TextureView completely, at the cost of cropping where the TextureView aspect ratio does not match the preview frame aspect ratio
  • does not stretch the image, so that a preview of a square item (e.g., a 3" square Post-It Note®) shows up square in the preview

In my case, the TextureView fills the screen, minus the status bar and navigation bar.

Starting with the adjustAspectRatio() from Grafika's PlayMovieActivity.java, I now have this:

  private void adjustAspectRatio(int videoWidth, int videoHeight,
                                 int rotation) {
    if (iCanHazPhone) {
      int temp=videoWidth;

    int viewWidth=getWidth();
    int viewHeight=getHeight();
    double aspectRatio=(double)videoHeight/(double)videoWidth;
    int newWidth, newHeight;

    if (getHeight()>(int)(viewWidth*aspectRatio)) {
    else {

    int xoff=(viewWidth-newWidth)/2;
    int yoff=(viewHeight-newHeight)/2;

    Matrix txform=new Matrix();


    float xscale=(float)newWidth/(float)viewWidth;
    float yscale=(float)newHeight/(float)viewHeight;

    txform.setScale(xscale, yscale);

    switch(rotation) {
      case Surface.ROTATION_90:
        txform.postRotate(270, newWidth/2, newHeight/2);

      case Surface.ROTATION_270:
        txform.postRotate(90, newWidth/2, newHeight/2);

    txform.postTranslate(xoff, yoff);


Here, videoWidth and videoHeight are the size of the camera preview, and the method itself is implemented on a subclass of TextureView. I am calling this method when I have established what the camera preview size is and after the TextureView itself is resized.

This appears to be close but not completely correct. In particular, the iCanHazPhone hack — flipping the video width and height — is a stab in the dark, as without this, while a SONY Tablet Z2 works well, a Nexus 5 turns out horrible (stretched preview that does not fill the screen).

With iCanHazPhone set to true, I get good results on a Nexus 5:

Nexus 5, Camera2 Preview, Landscape, Rear-Facing Camera

Nexus 5, Camera2 Preview, Portrait, Rear-Facing Camera

With iCanHazPhone set to false, I get stuff like:

Nexus 5, Camera2 Preview, Portrait, Rear-Facing Camera, Stretched

Similarly, with iCanHazPhone set to false, I get good results on a SONY Tablet Z2:

SONY Tablet Z2, Camera2 Preview, Landscape, Rear-Facing Camera

But if I flip it to true, I get:

SONY Tablet Z2, Camera2 Preview, Landscape, Rear-Facing Camera, Stretched

My current theory is that different devices have different default camera orientations, and depending on that default orientation I need to flip the preview width and height in my calculations.

So, the questions:

  1. Is the camera guaranteed (as much as anything involving Android hardware) to have a default orientation that matches the default device orientation? For example, a Nexus 9 works correctly with iCanHazPhone set to true, indicating that it's not phone vs. tablet but default-portrait vs. default-landscape.

  2. Is there a better way of dealing with this?

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  • Not long ago I received following shortish email related to one of my Camera applications ; _We have found that on devices that have a default landscape orientation, such as Nexus 10, the preview image appears rotated at 90 degrees and stretched._ . What ever that means - remains unknown to me - but what you are explaining here reminded me of this old email. Yet alone how am I supposed to deal with camera rotation on such devices I do not own :) – harism Aug 05 '15 at 17:32
  • @harism: Well, using [this algorithm](http://stackoverflow.com/a/31806201/115145) to detect default-portrait vs. default-landscape devices seems to be working out for me, as an alternative to the hard-coded `iCanHazPhone` value cited in my question. This presumes that my assumptions are correct, which is what the question is really about. But your symptoms definitely sound like what I was seeing in my tests. – CommonsWare Aug 05 '15 at 17:39
  • Cool, thank you for letting me know. This helps me fix my app too I hope. – harism Aug 05 '15 at 18:01

2 Answers2


Answer to both of your questions is: use the sensor orientation provided by the Camera/Camera2 APIs to adjust your preview image.

To calculate relative camera rotation to screen (which can be used to transform your preview) I use:

static int getRelativeImageOrientation(int displayRotation, int sensorOrientation,
                                       boolean isFrontFacing, boolean compensateForMirroring) {
    int result;
    if (isFrontFacing) {
        result = (sensorOrientation + displayRotation) % 360;
        if (compensateForMirroring) {
            result = (360 - result) % 360;
    } else {
        result = (sensorOrientation - displayRotation + 360) % 360;
    return result;

where displayRotation is the current display rotation:

static int getDisplayRotation(Context context) {
    WindowManager windowManager = (WindowManager) context
    int rotation = windowManager.getDefaultDisplay().getRotation();
    switch (rotation) {
        case Surface.ROTATION_0:
            return 0;
        case Surface.ROTATION_90:
            return 90;
        case Surface.ROTATION_180:
            return 180;
        case Surface.ROTATION_270:
            return 270;
    return 0;

sensorOrientation for the legacy Camera:


and for the Camera2:


You should pass false for compansateForMirror when calculating camera preview orientation and pass true when calculating legacy Camera JPG orientation.

I've tested this across a number of devices - it seems to work, although I cannot guarantee that this is bulletproof ;]

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you can check my answer here for image orientation. Only you need to put the correct surface rotation.

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