I created a helloworld eclipse RAP project and run it eclipse itself.It is working fine. After that I exported the RAP project to war file by using the eclipse war product configuration. It created the war file.I deployed the war file in tomcat. After that when I try to access the war deployed helloworld application, I am getting status 404 error.

I searched in internet and checked for troubleshooting and they mentioned to check in web.xml all the entries are available or not. I confirmed it is available. Also I checked application structure. It is fine as it is suggested. Could any one help me how to access the deployed application in tomcat? Or is there any other server I can use in order to make it work quickly?

Rüdiger Herrmann
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1 Answers1


I suppose that the war file is named helloworld.war and is the URL of your application.

If your entrypoint is not registered at the root path, you have to add the entrypoint name to the URL, e.g.

Alternatively, you can register the application at the root path in your ApplicationConfiguration:

application.addEntryPoint("/", YourEntryPoint.class, properties);

Then you should be able to access it at


If you use extension points, configure the path in your entrypoint extension, for example:

      path="/" />
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  • Hi @ralfstx It is a rap application. Not a rwt application. So do I need to configure the entrypoint? Please correct me if I am wrong. – user414967 Jul 31 '15 at 03:44
  • Then you probably have an extension in your plugin.xml to configure the entrypoint. Change the path attribute to "/", e.g.: ``. – ralfstx Jul 31 '15 at 11:20
  • I have Activator,Application,ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor,Perspective all are included in that. And I have written LoginDialog inside the ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor. How to make a call if I use EntryPoint? – user414967 Jul 31 '15 at 15:06
  • Sorry, I don't understand your last question. In order to help you, let me ask you some questions in order to understand your case better: 1. Does your application have a `plugin.xml`? 2. Can you find the *entrypoint* extension in there (see code example above)? 3. What is the *path* attribute? 4. What is the name of your war file? 5. Which RAP version are you using? – ralfstx Jul 31 '15 at 18:14
  • 1,Yes.2. Yes.3. The path is /mail. 4. hellorap.war 5. rap2.3 In the extensionpoint is declared as below. – user414967 Aug 01 '15 at 06:42
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    In this case, you should be able to access your application at If you change the path to ` – ralfstx Aug 01 '15 at 14:29