I have wrote an app with 2 activities. One activity took a picture and the second one use it with some filters.

Activity 1:

Intent FilterSelectionIntent = new Intent(getActivity(), PulsFiltersActivity.class);
FilterSelectionIntent.putExtra("PicTaken", currentBitmap);

Acitivity 2:

    Bundle bd = intent.getExtras();
    mBitmap = bd.getParcelable("PicTaken");

I have put some breakpoints in the Activity 2 and it never stop at. As soon as I comment the "putExtra" in comment, I can reach the breakpoints. In my case, the activity is not started, I think the intent is wrong.

I know that one solution is to use Bitmap.compress and forward the result in the Output stream. but in my case, it take too much time. My android device is a very basic one and it takes 2s to save the bmp. this why I try to use the intent to pass argument but it seems not working.

I'm also open to save the bmp as tmp file but I can lose 2 sec.

Any idea .

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4 Answers4


I think you have confused a couple of concepts of sending objects. In your Activity 1, you put the extra directly to the intent. In Activity 2, you try to get it back from a Bundle, which you did not put the Bitmap to. So try this in your activity 2:

mBitmap = (Bitmap) intent.getParcelableExtra("PicTaken");

Edit: I found some reports of Bitmaps being too big to send and activites not starting when sending Bitmaps. Converting them to ByteArray may help.

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Bitmap implements Parcelable, so you could always pass it in the intent:

Intent intent = new Intent(this, NextActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("BitmapImg", bitmap);

and retrieve it on the other end:

Intent intent = getIntent();
Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap) intent.getParcelableExtra("BitmapImg");

Check it here : How can I pass a Bitmap object from one activity to another

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You also can store the bitmap into internal storage like this:

    final static String IMG_PATH= "bmp2Store"
    FileOutputStream streamOut;
    Bitmap image = currentBitmap;
    try {
            // Store bitmap into internal storage
            streamOut = mContext.openFileOutput(IMG_PATH, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
            image.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, streamOut);

            // Call ActivityB
            Intent intent= new Intent(this, ConsumirOfertaActivity.class);
     } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
     } catch (IOException e){

And in the activityB:

    final static String IMG_PATH= "bmp2Store"
    Bitmap bitmap;
    FileInputStream streamIn;

    try {
        streamIn = openFileInput(IMG_PATH);
        bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(streamIn);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
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You should not pass bitmap inside bundle:

Size of the data you are allowed to pass through Bundle or Intent is very less (~1MB). Considering a object like Bitmap, there are high chances that memory allocated to it greater than 1MB. This can happen for any kind of object including byte array, String etc.

Solution: Store your bitmap into File, FileProvider, Singleton (as WeakReference of course) class, etc before starting Activity B, and pass just URI as parameter in Bundle.

Also check out this posts: Intent.putExtras size limit? and Maximum length of Intent putExtra method? (Force close)

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