I am trying to use Quickblox's sample chat application.


But I am getting this error "The import vc908 cannot be resolved" At this line :

import vc908.stickerfactory.StickersManager;

I have used these libs : - quickblox-android-sdk-chat-2.2.6.jar - quickblox-android-sdk-core-2.2.6.jar

Also Added these : - android-support-v7-appcompat - google-play-services_lib - pull-to-refresh

alireza amini
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Apurva Kolapkar
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1 Answers1


StickersManager is a part of StickerPipe library. To use stickers functionality, you must include dependency to this library

       repositories {
           maven { url  'http://maven.stickerpipe.com/artifactory/stickerfactory' }

       dependencies {
           compile('vc908.stickers:stickerfactory:0.2.2@aar') {
              transitive = true;

This integration described at Stickers section of documentation

You need use android studio to build project. If you use Eclipse, try to migrate with this tutorial


Eclipse users now can follow this instructions to add StickerPipe library

And another sample with StickerPipe library

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