I am separating a string "foo,bar,c;qual="baz,blurb",d;junk="quux,syzygy"" by commas but want to keep the commas in the quotes. This question was answered in this Java: splitting a comma-separated string but ignoring commas in quotes question but it fails to fully explain how the poster created this piece of code which is:

line.split(",(?=([^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)", -1);

OK so I do understand some of what is going on but there is a bit that is confusing me. I know the first comma is for matching.



is a forward search.

Then the first part is grouped


This where I get confused. So the first part


means that beginning of any line with quotes separate tokens zero or more times.

Then comes \". Now is this like opening a quote in string or is it saying match this quote?

Then it repeats the exact same line of code, why?


In the second part adds the same code again to explain that it must finish with quotes.

Can someone explain the part i am not getting?

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    `^` inside square brackets mean not. `\"` means `"` but the backslash is there as an escape character. So `[^\"]*` matches any string that does not contain `"`. – M. Shaw Jul 18 '15 at 12:26
  • Thanks, it would help if i knew that part. I still don't understand the part after [^\"] though – spaga Jul 18 '15 at 12:29
  • @M.Shaw it must be `[^\"]*` matches any character but not of `"`, zero or more times. – Avinash Raj Jul 18 '15 at 12:32
  • `[^\"]` is any string without `"`. `\"` matches `"`. So basically `([^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")` matches a string that contains 2 `"` and the last character is `"`. – M. Shaw Jul 18 '15 at 12:34
  • @AvinashRaj Which is basically any string that doesn't contain `"`. – M. Shaw Jul 18 '15 at 12:34
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    Always thought regex is a write only thing ... Noone can read a regex, only write ;) – Christian Kuetbach Jul 18 '15 at 13:00

3 Answers3


[^\"] is any string without ". \" matches ". So basically ([^\"]*\"[^\"]*\") matches a string that contains 2 " and the last character is ".

M. Shaw
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I think they do a pretty good job of explaining later in the answer:

[^\"] is match other than quote. \" is quote.

So this part ([^\"]*\"[^\"]*\") is

  1. [^\"]* match other than quote 0 or more times
  2. \" match quote, yes this is the opening quote
  3. [^\"]* match other than quote 0 or more times
  4. \" match quote, closing quote

They only require the first [^\"]* because they do not start with a quote, their example input is like a="abc",b="d,ef". If you were parsing "abc","d,ef" you wouldn't need it.

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  • Yes, the poster does explain what is going on well, it did not help that I was a little of base. I just didn't really understand the syntax – spaga Jul 18 '15 at 12:50

here is your string /,(?=([^\"]\"[^\"]\")[^\"]$)/

here is the readout from https://regex101.com/

, matches the character , literally
(?=([^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$) Positive Lookahead - Assert that the regex below can be matched
1st Capturing group ([^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*
Quantifier: * Between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed [greedy]
Note: A repeated capturing group will only capture the last iteration. Put a capturing group around the repeated group to capture all iterations or use a non-capturing group instead if you're not interested in the data
[^\"]* match a single character not present in the list below
Quantifier: * Between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed [greedy]
\" matches the character " literally
\" matches the character " literally
[^\"]* match a single character not present in the list below
Quantifier: * Between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed [greedy]
\" matches the character " literally
\" matches the character " literally
[^\"]* match a single character not present in the list below
Quantifier: * Between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed [greedy]
\" matches the character " literally
$ assert position at end of the string
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