I am completely stumped on a problem and would like some guidance. I am picking random sets of 8 numbers from the set of 1 to 8 (for example, 5,6,8,1,3,4,2,7) and trying to bucket those numbers as subsets of sequential numbers according to the order they appear.

For the example above, the first bucket would start with a 5 then the 6 would be added. Upon hitting the 8 a new bucket would be started. Whenever we get to a number that belongs in an existing bucket (e.g., when we reach 2, it can be added to 1's bucket), we add it there. In this example, after all 8 numbers we'd arrive at:


For a total of 4 buckets.

I am not actually concerned with the contents of the buckets, I just want to count how many buckets there are for a given random set of 8 digits. I plan on looping through a set of 1000 of these 8 digit sequences.

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    I don't understand the logic behind this. 7 didn't appear in the first sequence. Neither 2 in the third. – David Arenburg Jul 16 '15 at 18:25
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    So the idea is that we are going through digit by digit, creating a new bucket if a number isn't in sequence when any previous bucket. So 5 creates the first, 6 goes in it. 8 Creates the second bucket. 1 creates the third. 3 creates the 4th. Then 4,2 and 7 are appended to already existing buckets (because they are in sequence). Odd problem, yes, but kind of an interesting one. – Turtle Time Jul 16 '15 at 18:37
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    So sort of like creating Solitaire stacks... – MichaelChirico Jul 16 '15 at 19:21

6 Answers6


If you are just interested in the number of buckets,

## Your data
dat <- c( 5,6,8,1,3,4,2,7)

## Get the number of buckets
count <- 0
for (i in seq_along(dat))
    if (!((dat[i] - 1) %in% dat[1:i])) count <- count+1
# 4

and, more succinctly in a function

countBuckets <- function(lst) sum(sapply(1:length(lst), function(i)
    (!((lst[i]-1) %in% lst[1:i]))))

And, here is a recursive implementation to get the contents of buckets.

f <- function(lst, acc=NULL) {
    if (length(lst) == 0) return(acc)
    if (missing(acc)) return( Recall(lst[-1], list(lst[1])) )

    diffs <- sapply(acc, function(x) lst[1] - x[length(x)] == 1)
    if (any(diffs)) {
        acc[[which(diffs)]] <- c(acc[[which(diffs)]], lst[1])
    } else { acc <- c(acc, lst[1]) }
    return ( Recall(lst[-1], acc) )


# [[1]]
# [1] 5 6 7
# [[2]]
# [1] 8
# [[3]]
# [1] 1 2
# [[4]]
# [1] 3 4
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My solution, not ripped of from nongkrong but quite similar. You get the count of buckets:

x <- as.integer(c(5,6,8,1,3,4,2,7))
sum(is.na(sapply(1:length(x), function(i) which((x[i]-1L)==x[1:i])[1L])))
# [1] 4

I believe it is possible to vectorize it, then it would scale perfectly.

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Inspired by @jangorecki but quicker:

x <- sample(8L)
1 + sum(sapply(2L:8L, function(i) !any(x[i] - x[1:(i - 1L)] == 1)))
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Here's a vectorized answer:

ind.mat <- matrix(rep(1:8, each=8), ncol=8)
ind.mat[upper.tri(ind.mat)] <- NA
8 - sum(rowSums(matrix(rep(x, 8), ncol=8) - x[ind.mat] == 1, na.rm=TRUE))

Note that we only need to declare ind.mat once, so scales up well to replication.

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    Also it should get a much bigger speed up if OP can provide all 1000 cases and build a single matrix on them. In the most pessimistic implementation the case id would form an additional dimension in the array. – jangorecki Jul 16 '15 at 20:45

I'm not too familiar with R, but you can definitely do something like:

setOf8 = your array of 8 numbers
for( i = [2,8] )
    if( (setOf8[i] < setOf8[i-1]) )
        buckets = buckets + 1


You could do something like:

func countBuckets( buckets, set )
    set = your array
    current = 1
    for( i = [2,size(set)] )
        if( set[current] + 1 == set[i] )
            set.remove( current )
            current = set[i-1]
    if( size(set) == 0 )
        return buckets
return countBuckets( buckets + 1, set )
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  • Thanks. I've started with something like that, but the problem happens with numbers like that last 7, it's not in sequence, but it doesn't start a new bucket. It needs to get appended to the first bucket. – Turtle Time Jul 16 '15 at 18:19

I'm not sure how it will fare on Oracle, but since you have added the SQL Server tag, here is a T-SQL solution:

declare @set char(8) = '56813427';

with cte as (
    select s.Id, cast(substring(@set, s.Id, 1) as int) as [Item]
    from dbo.Sequencer s
    where s.Id between 1 and 8
    union all
    select 9 as [Id], 0 as [Item]
select count(*) as [TotalBuckets]
from cte s
    inner join cte n on (s.Item = n.Item - 1) and s.Id > n.Id;

The idea behind it is to count the cases when next number goes before the current one, beginning a new bucket rather than continuing the current one. The only problem here is with boundaries, so I added trailing zero. Without it, least set item (1 in your case) is not counted as a separate bucket.

P.S. dbo.Sequencer is a table with incrementing integers. I usually keep one in the database to project ordered sequences.

Roger Wolf
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