A riff on git: show all changed files between two commits: I want a listing of all files that have been changed between two commits, even if they are now the same (ie, changed and then changed back).

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6 Answers6


This is the best I could come up with:

git log --name-only --pretty=oneline --full-index HEAD^^..HEAD | grep -vE '^[0-9a-f]{40} ' | sort | uniq

Replace HEAD^^ and HEAD with the commits you want to compare.

My attempt uses git log with --name-only to list all files of each commit between the specified ones. --pretty=oneline makes the part above the file listing consist only of the commit SHA and message title. --full-index makes the SHA be the full 40 characters. grep filters out anything looking like a SHA followed by a space. Unless you have files beginning with a SHA followed by a space, the result should be accurate.

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  • When I run that command against HEAD^ and HEAD, I get a list of what looks like every single file in the repository; even those that haven't changed. – Blair Holloway Jun 30 '10 at 06:34
  • My bad, the format is ".." instead of " ". – igorw Jun 30 '10 at 13:54
  • Thanks, a little awkward but it will do. – Andrew Jul 01 '10 at 17:39
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    Definitely awkward. I had to put 3 dots between the commit SHAs (not 2 as shown) to get it to work. I think Bryce's answer is simpler (i.e. using --stat on git diff command) and it provides a little more information (summary of number of files changed plus number of lines changed in each file). – Daniel Goldfarb Jul 27 '15 at 20:53

I think this command is your answer:

git diff --stat abc123 xyz123  # where abc123 and xyz123 are SHA1 hashes of commit objects

Straight from the git community book:

If you don't want to see the whole patch, you can add the '--stat' option, which will limit the output to the files that have changed along with a little text graph depicting how many lines changed in each file.

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    More specifically, `git diff --stat `. – Blair Holloway Jun 30 '10 at 06:35
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    No, this is exactly not what he wanted. Git diff does a direct diff between the trees, it does not consider the commits. If you create a new file with contents "A", then change the contents to "B", then change them back to "A", `git diff --stat HEAD^^ HEAD` will give you a blank output. – igorw Jun 30 '10 at 13:57
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    `git diff --name-only` is probably better than `git diff --stat` but as pointed out `git diff` isn't doing what the OP wanted. – nnutter Nov 17 '14 at 16:13

If just want to see the file names where commit b is chronologically after a:

git diff <a commit sha1>...<b commit sha2> --name-only # b is after a in time

If you want to see all the file names and what was changed from commit a to commit b then drop the last argument.

git diff <a commit sha1>...<b commit sha2> # shows file names and what changed in each file

An example of <commit sha1> are the commit id's like 675ee6860d2c273bcc6c6a0536634a107e2a3d9f. Generally the first 8-10 digits will work on most projects, but may need more if the project has oodles of commits. Typically I use the output of the id from git log --oneline.

When you get a difference of a...b and b is later than a in time it's easy to see what was changed in each file chronologically.

Lloyd Rochester
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This one is similar to igorw's, but it avoids the removal of the SHA via grep:

git log --pretty='format:' --name-only HEAD^^..HEAD | sort -u

If you additionally want to see how the files were modified, replace --name-only with --name-status.

Ingo Karkat
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  • I just tested this command. It took around 10 seconds to process then began to spew a huge file list. – ostler.c Oct 31 '12 at 19:43
  • @ostler.c: Did you pass in the revision range in `"$@"`? Otherwise, it'll show existing changes, which is a lot :-) I've revised my answer to use an example, like in the other answers. – Ingo Karkat Oct 31 '12 at 20:14
  • Alright that makes sense. I am surprised I didn't know "$@". Although, I don't find it to be very useful for most commands. – ostler.c Oct 31 '12 at 22:04
  • @ostler.c: I have this line in a `git-showfiles` script, and the `"$@"` inserts all passed arguments; though a little bit obscure (like much in shell scripting), this is pretty standard stuff. – Ingo Karkat Nov 01 '12 at 09:11

I'd use; taking the first 8 of the commit hash. If you wanted you could pipe into a file as per the below:

git log 12345678..87654321 > C:\GitChanges.txt
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I use this command to compare all changes between two commits:

git difftool -d <commit hash1> <commit hash2>

Like a git rebase to squash all local commits into one.

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