I'm trying to pass a callback function from a controller to a directive.

Here's the callback function code:

$scope.onImageSelect = function(image) {
    $scope.card.image = image;

Directive usage:

<google-image-search callback="onImageSelect" />

Directive code:

ngmod.directive('directive', function() {
    return {
        templateUrl: '/templates/template.html',
        scope: {
            callback: '&'

Callback usage in template:

<a data-ng-click="callback(url)"></a>

However, this gives me the following error:

TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'onImageSelect'

I've seen a lot of similar questions, but could not understand where am I wrong.

Pankaj Parkar
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4 Answers4


While calling the expression method from the directive you need to pass the parameter from the directive in JSON format, also you should correct your directive callback attribute value to pass function like callback="onImageSelect(image)"

Directive usage:

<google-image-search callback="onImageSelect(image)" />

Directive Template

<a data-ng-click="callback({image: url})"></a>
Pankaj Parkar
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Following code is tested and working..

Directive call in html

<taxcode-picker call-back-fun="calculate_tax(a, b)"></taxcode-picker>

Sample Directive code

link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
 scope.tax = {amount:12, rate:10.50};
 scope.obj = {number:12, value:10};

  scope.call_back = function (tax) {
    scope.callBackFun({a:tax, b:obj});


Sample Controller

app.controller("sample", function($scope){
$scope.calculate_tax = function (tax, obj) {

        console.log("tax "+JSON.stringify(tax));

        console.log("obj "+JSON.stringify(obj));
Dinesh Vaitage
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Simply use:

<google-image-search callback="onImageSelect(image)" />

This example from AngularJS developer guide is pretty similar to your case: http://plnkr.co/edit/hYBxk070sgw54RElyWNq?p=preview

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try to change the scope object to be like this

scope: {
        callback: '='

and it will work

Ahmed Eid
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    why all the down votes? I tried this and it WORKS! thanks, Ahmed. It is perfectly legit to pass a function via '=' – John Henckel Mar 09 '17 at 07:14