
I have been using eclips for android programming since about 6 months. Everything was working smooth till yesterday.

On restarting Eclipse it shows error on every project and all of them say:

Unable to resolve target 'android-21'.

And I can't even create any new project as it always says

Base Theme "Holo Light with Dark Action Bar" requires a build target API version of at least 14, and the current version is 8

And I cant start SDK manager from eclipse. Please help, and thank you everyone in advance. :)

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1 Answers1


Go to Windows -> Android SDK Manager Install the Android API Level you want, in this case 21.

Once you've finished installing, go to Window -> Preference -> Android. You should get a list of available targets. Click Apply then Ok.

Now right click your project, go to properties. Click Android. Choose your desired target.

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  • I cant load SDK manager either, I alreay messed a lot to try to fix it. Tried editing android.bat and copied all .dll files to tools. I got diffrent erros on every step. Now it's giving an error as follow: [SDK Manager] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load 32-bit SWT libraries on 64-bit JVM – user2979420 Jul 14 '15 at 05:35