I want to implement following SQL queries in Yii 2 but with no success.

This should give total number of unique company names:

SELECT count(DISTINCT(company_name)) FROM clients

And this should display company_name with client code and id(PK):

SELECT (DISTINCT(company_name,client_code)) FROM clients

How to achieve this?

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  • You want to return a table that has two columns: company_name and client_code; unique values only? The union will create a single column of both names and ID's combined. I suspect that's not what you want. Couldn't you just: `select distinct company_name, client_code from clients`? – Alex Woolford Jul 11 '15 at 20:46
  • First I want the count of all Unique **comapny_name** and after that in second query I want to list of all unique **company_name** and **client_code** – JKLM Jul 11 '15 at 20:53
  • Does the first query work (i.e. `count(distinct(company_name))`)? The syntax looks good to me. – Alex Woolford Jul 11 '15 at 20:57
  • got the count of unique company name but dont know how to list those.. – JKLM Jul 11 '15 at 20:58
  • Can you try `select distinct company_name, client_code from clients`? – Alex Woolford Jul 11 '15 at 20:59
  • i want syntax in yii2 format – JKLM Jul 11 '15 at 21:01
  • Thanks for clarifying. – Alex Woolford Jul 11 '15 at 21:01
  • did you try: `$data = (new yii\db\Query())->select(['company_name', 'client_code'])->from('clients')->distinct()->all();` ? – Tony Jul 12 '15 at 07:26
  • I got the solution, updated the question.. :) – JKLM Jul 12 '15 at 09:25
  • Please post your findings as a new answer. Providing (and selecting) an answer to your own question makes it easier for people with the same problem to find a solution. – tarleb Jul 17 '15 at 18:28
  • @tarleb did it.. :) thanks for pointing this.. – JKLM Jul 17 '15 at 18:52

4 Answers4


Try this:

$total = YourModel::find()->select('company_name')->distinct()->count();

In Search Model:

public function search($params)
    $query = YourModel::find()->select('company_name')->distinct();
    // or
    $query = YourModel::find()->select(['company_name', 'client_code'])->distinct();

    $query->orderBy('id desc');

    $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
        'query' => $query,
    // ...
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Muhammad Shahzad
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Answering my own question I got following working solutions:

Got the count for unique company_name:

$my = (new yii\db\Query())
echo $my;

List of distinct company_name and client_code:

$query = new yii\db\Query();
$data = $query->select(['company_name','client_code'])
if ($data) {
    foreach ($data as $row) {
        echo 'company_name: ' . $row['company_name'] . ' client_code: ' . $row['client_code'] . '<br>';
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I hope this sample is useful for you

 $names = Yii::$app->db->createCommand('SELECT  count(DISTINCT(company_name)) as name FROM clients')

for access the the data

foreach ($names as $name){
    echo $name['name'];
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  • I have post a new answer. i hope this is correct for you. – scaisEdge Jul 12 '15 at 07:23
  • I got the solution, updated the question Thanks for helping .. :) – JKLM Jul 12 '15 at 09:26
  • Change the way to access the db object, It is `db` instead of `$db`, related https://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/2.0/en/db-dao#creating-db-connections (Creating DB Connections) – Ale Aug 25 '18 at 20:07

All worked fine

return Clients::find()->count('DISTINCT(company_name)');
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