What is the right way to insert HTML snippet into main HTML file with HTML5 imports?

The answer to more generic question https://stackoverflow.com/a/22142111/239247 mentions that it is possible to do:

  <link rel="import" href="header.html">

But this doesn't work. I don't need to insert JS and CSS. Only plain HTML markup inserted at the top of <body>. What is the most simple way to do this and keep HTML readable?

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3 Answers3


See: http://www.w3schools.com/angular/angular_includes.asp

It says:

HTML Includes in Future HTML. Including a portion of HTML in HTML is, unfortunately, not (yet) supported by HTML.

So this is on its way, but not here yet.

EDIT: If you are able to, I would use PHP, which is close to the level of cleanliness. The link I inclueded shows multiple ways to do what you are trying to do.

Late edit: if it still counts (for those worried about sourcing): http://caniuse.com/#feat=imports

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The way I have found to do this is to use ASP.NET and .cshtml files and use razor, as seen here: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/asp-net-mvc-3-layouts Beyond simply inserting html into other html this also allows you to have consistent navigation bars, footers, etc. and minimizes your code profile. Also, the use of a layout file gives the site a better feel as only a section of the site refreshes when you click an internal link, as opposed to the whole site.

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Found a way to do this from html5rocks, but it is far from being readable. This is the ideal way:

  <include src="header.html"/>

And this is how it is implemented by HTML5 imports:

  <link rel="import" href="header.html">


  • not clear how to choose include if both header.html and footer.html are there
  • querySelector('body') is required to avoid Uncaught HierarchyRequestError: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': Nodes of type '#document' may not be inserted inside nodes of type 'BODY'.
  • not clear how to insert <body> tag contents without the tag itself
  • HTML5 import doesn't work in Firefox (38) http://caniuse.com/#feat=imports =/
anatoly techtonik
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