Is it possible to have different color for navigation bar and status bar ? A solution other than this will help. I am looking for some default setting.
What I have tried is, assigning color to navigation bar in storyboard and then for status bar I tried this accepted answer.
But still the status bar has the same color as navigation bar.

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2 Answers2


I've found a solution that works very well for me. You can use setBackgroundImage:forBarMetrics: method which sets the background image of the nav bar and does not affect on the status bar of your app. I hope this will help.

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There is no way to change status bar background color from ios 7, it is always transparent.

Alternately, you can add a view with the background color you want, and add it to the top, with size as 20px.

Hope this help.

Nghia Luong
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