I'm about to develop my program bluetooth in C on ARM platform, which is supposed to be able to exchange information with bluez via dbus interface. I have succeeded in cross-compiling the Bluez, but the part of "client" in C is always a big work for me. Fortrunately several month ago, I have seen a piece of code that offered a quite similar solution of this kind, on the head of which there mentionned "Generated by gdbus-codegen. DO NOT EDIT." So from this information I can be 99% sure that this kind of code is open. But I know quite few about this generator, and I managed to search for more information about it but I have found very few things after a lot of dig work thoughout all the websites for several weeks/months. The only thing I know is that might be "gdbus-codegen" who translate some "xml" file into "C" program. But where can I get this xml? Can anybody give me some information about it? Thanks a lot.

  • Please say specifically what it is about the [official documentation](https://developer.gnome.org/gio/stable/gdbus-codegen.html) that you don't understand. – kaylum Jul 01 '15 at 23:04

1 Answers1


xml file lists the method call and signals provided by the service. This is developed by server side application.

gdbus-codegen is used to generate .c and .h files from the xml file. The generated .c and .h files provide high level DBus API calls. This is used by the client/server for method calls and signal processing.

gdbus-codegen usage

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