
I am having problem with nullpointer. I cant seem to understand why my code is wrong. Any help will be greatly appreciated. This is my code:

     protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    Product aProd = new Product(); 
     // Get Product ID from querystring 
     string prodID = Request.QueryString["ProdID"].ToString(); (null pointer occurs at this line. )

    prod = aProd.getProduct(prodID); 
      //Display product details on web form 

     lbl_ProdName.Text = prod.Product_Name;    
    lbl_ProdDesc.Text = prod.Product_Desc;    
    lbl_Price.Text = prod.Unit_Price.ToString("c");
    img_Product.ImageUrl = "~\\Images\\" + prod.Product_Image;    

    //Store the value in invisible fields 
    lbl_Price.Text = prod.Unit_Price.ToString();      
    lbl_ProdID.Text = prodID.ToString(); 

These are the code for Product.cs. I still have no idea where my codes went wrong

      public class Product

string _connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["HealthDBContext"].ConnectionString;
private string _prodID = null;
private string _prodName = string.Empty;
private string _prodDesc = ""; // this is another way to specify empty string
private decimal _unitPrice = 0;
private string _prodImage = "";
private int _stockLevel = 0;

// Default constructor
public Product()

// Constructor that take in all data required to build a Product object
public Product(string prodID, string prodName, string prodDesc,
               decimal unitPrice, string prodImage, int stockLevel)
    _prodID = prodID;
    _prodName = prodName;
    _prodDesc = prodDesc;
    _unitPrice = unitPrice;
    _prodImage = prodImage;
    _stockLevel = stockLevel;

// Constructor that take in all except product ID
public Product(string prodName, string prodDesc,
       decimal unitPrice, string prodImage, int stockLevel)
    : this(null, prodName, prodDesc, unitPrice, prodImage, stockLevel)

// Constructor that take in only Product ID. The other attributes will be set to 0 or empty.
public Product(string prodID)
    : this(prodID, "", "", 0, "", 0)

// Get/Set the attributes of the Product object.
// Note the attribute name (e.g. Product_ID) is same as the actual database field name.
// This is for ease of referencing.
public string Product_ID
    get { return _prodID; }
    set { _prodID = value; }
public string Product_Name
    get { return _prodName; }
    set { _prodName = value; }
public string Product_Desc
    get { return _prodDesc; }
    set { _prodDesc = value; }
public decimal Unit_Price
    get { return _unitPrice; }
    set { _unitPrice = value; }
public string Product_Image
    get { return _prodImage; }
    set { _prodImage = value; }
public int Stock_Level
    get { return _stockLevel; }
    set { _stockLevel = value; }
Ng Wei Ze
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  • As you say, the error occurs when you call `Request.QueryString["ProdID"].ToString()`. Therefore, either `Request`, `Request.QueryString`, or `Request.QueryString["ProdID"]` is `null`. – Martin Jun 24 '15 at 16:02
  • Test that Request.QueryString["ProdID"] is not null before trying to call the .ToString() method – Les Jun 24 '15 at 16:05

1 Answers1


Request.QueryString["ProdID"] is returning null. So your ToString() call cause a System.NullPointerException

Solution : ensure that your Request.QueryString["ProdID"] call sends you back the correct object, or test the result yourself:

var obj = Request.QueryString["ProdID"];
string prodID = obj == null ? String.Empty : obj.ToString();
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