I have a Kendo grid that I largely copied from a co-worker (the difference being that they use different tables as their source) and his works. He used a dynamic source instead of a model.

When I access the page, the grid doesn't appear. The ReadCustomerNotes action has a data table with data, so that's not the problem. I added a try-catch block and am now getting the error "Cannot perform runtime binding on a null reference".

I couldn't find anything online dealing with this error and a Kendo Grid using a dynamic source. How can I find out where the null reference is? Is there something I can put in the catch block to show what is causing the error?

Here's my code:


  ViewBag.Title = "AdminCustomerNotes";

@using (Html.BeginForm("AdminCustomerNotes", "Admin"))
 .Columns(columns =>
   foreach (System.Data.DataColumn column in Model.Columns)
    switch (column.ColumnName)
     case "customerNotes":
  .Pageable(x => x.PageSizes(new int[] { 10, 20, 30, 50 }).Refresh(true))
  .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
  .Model(model =>
    var id = Model.PrimaryKey[0].ColumnName;
  .Read(read => read.Action("ReadCustomerNotes", "Admin", new { customerID = int.Parse(ViewBag.compId.ToString()) })))
catch (Exception ex)


    public ActionResult ReadCustomerNotes([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, int customerID)
        var customerNotes = CustomerNotes(false, customerID);
        return Json(customerNotes.ToDataSourceResult(request));
    private DataTable CustomerNotes(bool init, int customerID)
            return Rep.GetCustomerNotesByCustomerID(init ? 0 : customerID);
        catch (Exception exception)
            return null;


public DataTable GetCustomerNotesByCustomerID(int customerID)
   var dt = new DataTable();
   dt.Columns.Add("customerNotesID", typeof(int));
   dt.Columns.Add("customerNotesDate", typeof(string));
   dt.Columns.Add("customerNotes", typeof(string));
   dt.PrimaryKey = new[]
   var qry =
    from customerNotes in dat.tblCoNoteses
    where (
           customerNotes.CompId == customerID
    select new
     ,  customerNotes.CompId
     ,  customerNotes.Note 
     ,  customerNotes.AddBy
     , customerNotes.AddDate
     foreach (var itm in qry)
       var row = dt.NewRow();
       row["customerNotesID"] = itm.CoNotesId;
       row["customerNotesDate"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(itm.AddDate.ToString()) ? "" : DateTime.Parse(itm.AddDate.ToString()).ToShortDateString();
       row["customerNotes"] = itm.Note;
    return dt;
 catch (Exception exception)
   return null;
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  • Almost all cases of `NullReferenceException` are the same. Please see "[What is a NullReferenceException in .NET?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4660142/what-is-a-nullreferenceexception-in-net)" for some hints. – John Saunders Jun 18 '15 at 01:28
  • I know what a NullReferenceException is. I was asking how to find out what was causing it in the Kendo grid. Thanks! – boilers222 Jun 18 '15 at 12:43
  • If you read that question, you'll also see "how do I fix it" – John Saunders Jun 18 '15 at 15:12

1 Answers1


I think Model is null, in your foreach (System.Data.DataColumn column in Model.Columns) statement. Model references to the @model ... at the top of the view, not the grid's model.

You can do something like this (haven't tested it):


public ActionResult AdminCustomerNotes() {
    var customerNotes = CustomerNotes(false, customerID);
    return View("AdminCustomerNotes", customerNotes);


@model DataTable

    .Columns(columns =>
        foreach (System.Data.DataColumn column in Model.Columns)
            switch (column.ColumnName)
                case "customerNotes":
    .Pageable(x => x.PageSizes(new int[] { 10, 20, 30, 50 }).Refresh(true))
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  • Thanks Nicholas for the reply. There is no model at the top. This is not a strongly typed view. Not how I would have done it, but my co-worker started created the app and now I have to follow his example. I think the dynamic tag and the model defined in the grid is supposed to create a model "on the fly" based on the data from the data source. I just don't know why it's not working. – boilers222 Jun 18 '15 at 11:55