Good evening all. I have a really random issue that I can't seem to get beyond, which is frustrating me to no end. I basically took working HTML/PHP/jQuery code from another page of mine, modified field names and such, and turned it loose. I have an "Add Row" button that dynamically adds an input row to my table, with each iteration incrementing a counter variable that is added to field names and such to ensure uniqueness. The row also contains a "Delete Row" button, which is what's acting odd.

If I open my page, click "Add Row" 10 times, I can label them 1-10 in my textarea. The appropriate row deletes with each click... except the last row I try to delete. I can click the Delete button until my finger cramps - no difference. Here is my jQuery code:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#addrow').click(function() {
        var count = $('#progyrgoals tr').length;
        var ID = count + 1;
        var tdclassnum = ID % 2;
        if (tdclassnum == 1) {
            tdclass = "td1";
        } else {
            tdclass = "td2";

        $.post("/jqf/progyroutcomegoals_processajax.php", function(data) {
            //alert( "Data Loaded: " + data );
            $('#progyrgoals').append('<tr id="' + ID + '"><td class="' + tdclass + '"><select name="progyr' + ID + '"><option value="0">-- Select --</option>' + data + '</select><br /><button  type="button" class="dbutton" title="Delete Row">X</button></td><td class="' + tdclass + '"><textarea class="txta6" name="desc' + ID + '"></textarea></td></tr>');
        $(".dbutton").bind("click", Delete);

        function Delete() {
            var par = $(this).parent().parent();

Am I doing something that is obviously wrong?

(( I tried to hardcode into JSFiddle in place of my variables and such - it was a no-go. What I did accomplish can be seen here: https://jsfiddle.net/TheJester1977/855toqps/ ))

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