Is there a simple way to delete specific items. Now you can only delete the whole list. there has to be a remove button for each item so you can remove a specific item. so each item has to have a remove button attached so you can click it and then remove that item.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>To do list</title>

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/ToDo.css">

        <input class="field" type="text" id="invulVeld"/><button class="btn" id="voegToe">Nieuwe taak</button><button class="btn" id="verwijderLijst">Verwijder lijst</button>

    <ul id="takenLijst">


    <article>Totaal aantal taken <a id="totaal"></a></article>

    <script src="js/ToDo.js"></script>



var takenLijst = document.getElementById('takenLijst');
var invulVeld = document.getElementById('invulVeld');
var voegToe = document.getElementById('voegToe');
var verwijderLijst = document.getElementById('verwijder');

var list = [];                                                          

voegToe.addEventListener('click', function() {                          

    takenLijst.innerHTML = '';                                          

    if (invulVeld.value !== '') {                                       
    invulVeld.value = '';                                               

    var i;
    for (i=0; i < list.length; i++) {                                   
    takenLijst.innerHTML += '<li>' + list[i] + '</li>';                

    document.getElementById('totaal').innerHTML = i;                    

    takenLijst.addEventListener('click', function() {                      
        var taak = event.target;                                            
        if (taak.tagName !== 'LI') {                                        
        if(taak.className == "checked") {                                   
            taak.className = "";                                            
        } else {                                                            
            taak.className = "checked";                                     

verwijderLijst.addEventListener('click', function() {                   
    list.length = 0;                                                    
    takenLijst.innerHTML = '';                                          
  • possible duplicate of [Remove specific element from an array?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5767325/remove-specific-element-from-an-array) – CD.. Jun 14 '15 at 12:54

1 Answers1


I made some modifications to your js and added a few functions.

var takenLijst = document.getElementById('takenLijst');
var invulVeld = document.getElementById('invulVeld');
var voegToe = document.getElementById('voegToe');
var verwijderLijst = document.getElementById('verwijderLijst');  // updated this since your js above had the wrong id
var totaal = document.getElementById('totaal');

var list = [];

voegToe.addEventListener('click', function() {                          
    if (invulVeld.value !== '') {                                       
      invulVeld.value = '';                                               
    update();   // update html                                               

takenLijst.addEventListener('click', function() {                      
  var taak = event.target;                                            
  if (taak.tagName !== 'LI') {                                        
  if(taak.className == "checked") {                                   
    taak.className = "";                                            
  } else {                                                            
    taak.className = "checked";                                     

verwijderLijst.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
  var index = findItem(invulVeld.value);
  if( index !== -1){
    invulVeld.value = '';

// You could use list.indexOf in this function instead of the for loop
// But if list contains anything other than a string, indexOf will not 
// return it because of strict equality
function findItem(item){
  var i, l;
  for(i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++){
    if ( list[i] == item){
      return i;

  return -1;

function deleteItem(index){
  list.splice(index, 1);

function update(){
  var i, html = '';

  for (i=0; i < list.length; i++) {                                   
    html += '<li>' + list[i] + '</li>';           

  takenLijst.innerHTML = html;
  totaal.innerHTML = i;
M El
  • 81
  • 5
  • It works for me. Check out http://jsbin.com/bufoye/2/embed?html,js,output . I add items first using the "Nieuwe taak" button and then type in the item I want removed and then click "Verwijder lijst" button... The same code can be moved a bit to add delete buttons to each item – M El Jun 15 '15 at 03:29