What is the best way to import some modules in all of the files of the project, so I don't have to write stuff like:

import React from 'react';
import Reflux from 'reflux';
import reactMixin from 'react-mixin';

in almost every single file?

Victor Marchuk
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2 Answers2


The other answer covers this, but not with valid ES6, so I'm adding my own. Make a central file to import your react components, in some central react.js file

export {default as React} from 'react';
export {default as Reflux} from 'reflux';
export {default as reactMixin} from 'react-mixin';

Then in the files where you need to use these three, you could do

import {React, Reflux, reactMixin} from './react';

to import all three into your component file.

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  • Good solution. You have also the ability to import any of all (for example, you could, if you needed only that, `import {React, Reflux} from './react';`) – Ruby Racer Feb 10 '18 at 21:15
  • Will filesize increase if I import all this stuff everywhere that "doesn't need it"? Like just take everything that any file could use and import it to be safe. (`import axios from 'axios'` in a component that doesn't use requests) – Vael Victus Aug 16 '19 at 21:49

Create a "base" that declares common imports, then you can import that one file.

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    @user860478: That file would be something like `import React from 'react'; import Reflux from 'reflux'; export {React, Reflux}` and you would use it everywhere as `import {React, Reflux} from 'path/to/base'`. – Felix Kling May 31 '15 at 20:48