Let's say I have the following code which, in short, has:

  • a BaseClass with a pointer to a PointerClass
  • a ChildClass that inherits from BaseClass
  • a HolderClass that has an std::vector of ChildClasss and an std::vector of BaseClass*s:

The entire code is as follows:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <vector>

class PointerClass {
    int num;
    double num2;
    PointerClass() {
        num = rand() % 100;
        num2 = rand() % 100 / 2.0;

class BaseClass {
    PointerClass *pointerClass;

class ChildClass: public BaseClass {
    ChildClass() {
        pointerClass = new PointerClass();

class HolderClass {
    std::vector<BaseClass*> basePointerVec;
    std::vector<ChildClass> childVec;

    HolderClass() {


    void addParentClass() {
        ChildClass childClass = ChildClass();


int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

    HolderClass holderClass = HolderClass();

    for (int count = 0; count < 20; count++) {

    for (int count = 0; count < holderClass.basePointerVec.size(); count++) {
        delete holderClass.basePointerVec[count]->pointerClass;

    return 0;

My problem is, after adding a pointer to the ChildClass into the std::vector<BaseClass*> basePointerVec and the actual ChildClass into the std::vector<ChildClass> childVec in the addParentClass() method in HolderClass, the data in basePointerVec andchildVec are completely different.

Furthermore, when I try to free the PointerClasses from the childVec, everything works fine. But when I try to free them from the basePointerVec instead, I get an error telling my I'm trying to free a pointer I have not allocated memory for.

And sure enough, when I use breakpoints to inspect everything, I find some funky behavior. It seems that every time I call ChildClass childClass = ChildClass(); in addParentClass(), every pointer in basePointerVec gets changed to point to the newly created ChildClass's BaseClass.

The point of me doing this in my actual program is to take advantage of polymorphism and have multiple classes inherit from BaseClass.

So my question is, why is every pointer in the vector being changed to point to the newly created class and how can I fix it?

P.S. sorry for the length of this question, it's as short as I could possibly make it

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    virtual destructor in base class!! – Paul Rooney May 25 '15 at 10:53
  • You seriously don't want to do it this way. Even if you straightened out your object creation and addressing and used `basePointerVec.push_back(&childVec.back());` you're still in a world of hurt as soon as `childVec` expands and allocates a different memory bed for the expanded space. All the pointers in your `basePointerVec` will be invalidated. – WhozCraig May 25 '15 at 11:00

5 Answers5


The push_back method of the class vector copies the object. So the added object is not the same as childClass in this case.

You can't delete the pointers from basePointerVec because they were not allocated with new but they were allocated locally and they are deleted at the end of addParentClass. So, the code of addParent is wrong because the pointer you push in the vector is no longer valid after the end of the method and may cause segmentation faults(in best case). Here is a suggestion of improvement:

void addParentClass() {
    ChildClass* childClass = new ChildClass();


The memory is now allocated dynamically, you should make sure to free these pointers with delete.


void addParentClass() {

And if you are using C++11:

void addParentClass() {
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  • This still doesn't get what the OP wants. He wants the items within the `childVec` vector to be addressed by pointers in `basePointerVec`. The code you posted here will create *two* `ChildClass` instances per invoke; one pushed by copy-construction into `childVec`, the other pointed to by `basePoniterVec`. – WhozCraig May 25 '15 at 11:03
  • I edited the post. I forgot this point in my answer. By the way what does OP mean? – Brahim May 25 '15 at 11:28
  • @WhozCraig I believe the original solution will work for me. As long as the data in each of the vectors is the same, I don't need the items in `childVec` to point to `basePointerVec`. And as you mentioned in your comment above doing that would be very wrong. I will also look into `shared_ptr` as @AmiTavory suggested. And while every answer on here is correct, I will mark this as the accepted answer. Thanks for all the help everyone! – glazed4444 May 25 '15 at 11:30
  • I should note that in order to use the original solution, one must give `BaseClass` a virtual destructor `virtual ~BaseClass {};` so that one can call `delete basePointerVec[number]`. See [this](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/294927/does-delete-work-with-pointers-to-base-class) post for details. – glazed4444 May 25 '15 at 12:33
  • @glazed4444 " I don't need the items in childVec to point to basePointerVec" - actually the way your original post showed, it would be the other way around. `childVec` doesn't "point" to anything; it's housing the actual objects. And what I said is true: if a resize of that vector happens and a new memory bed is used, the base pointer vector will be filled with *dangling* pointers. – WhozCraig May 25 '15 at 19:03

The other answers already addressed the specific problem in your code. Here are two general points about your program above that will help you IMHO avoid all sorts of problems in the future:

  1. When you define a class, esp. one which can be subclassed, always make the dtor public virtual except if you have a specific reason not too.

  2. Always store resources in classes with the RAII principle:

    • Except for a good reason, you should never have a naked member pointer. Use a shared_ptr member instead.

    • Except for a good reason, you should never have a vector of naked pointers. Again use a vector of shared pointers.

Using this, hopefully, you won't need to track in your head what got destroyed when before something was copied to whatever, etc. It will make it harder to mix up heap objects and stack objects.

Ami Tavory
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Look here:

void addParentClass() {
    ChildClass childClass = ChildClass();


Your objects are not allocated on the heap. They are values and in basePointerVec you put their addresses (which don't make sense anyway after addParentClass() returns). Don't try to delete those, that will crash your program. They will be automatically deleted when childVec goes out of scope.

Marius Bancila
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When addParentClass returns, the childClass object is destroyed. Therefore, the pointer to that object, that you put into basePointerVec cannot be used anymore.

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You are creating a local variable that is destroyed as soon addParentClass goes out of scope. Also see the answers to this question which explains what happens when you don't use new. So the vector of BaseClass pointers are pointing to an object that is destroyed, and the childVec vector of objects are creating new copies when you use push_back, from this page:

The new element is initialized as a copy of value.

This is why the two vectors are pointing to different objects. You could create a destructor for the classes and add debugging prints to the destructor and the constructor to see when the objects are created/destroyed, this should give you a better idea of what is happening in what order.

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