I have just created a simple Student Registration Form using Java(Netbeans). It has several columns to enter the students' data such as regNo, name, address, etc and a Insert button which inserts the data into the table created in MS Access.It works fine.But I need to store the time when a user fills that form.It means when a user fills that form, the system time should be captured and stored in the table for each entry(each tuple). So I want to know how to get the system time and insert into MS Access database.I found the following code.But I don't know how to pass the time captured by the code to the database.I have already created the field for enter the time in the database.

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
java.util.Date currentTime = cal.getTime();

This is the code I wrote to pass time to the table.....

ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into RegInfo(RegNo,StudName,Address,"
               + "Telephone,Stream,RegDate,Time) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");

I used your code Razvan. It is working really good but it doesn't insert the Time into the table......("System.out.println" is working properly).....

 final String t1 = "hh:mm:ss";
 final DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(t1);
 final String formattedTime = df.format(new java.util.Date());
 ps.setString(7, formattedTime);
 System.out.println("formattedTime "+formattedTime);
Gord Thompson
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3 Answers3


You can simply use the Now() function in your INSERT query:

try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connStr)) {
    String sql;
    sql = "INSERT INTO RegInfo (RegNo, StudName, Address, Telephone, Stream, RegDateTime) " +
            "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Now())";
    try (PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) {
        ps.setInt(1, 3);
        ps.setString(2, "Gord");
        ps.setString(3, "123 Main St");
        ps.setString(4, "416-555-1212");
        ps.setString(5, "Standard");
} catch (Exception e) {

That will work for both JDBC-ODBC (obsolete, removed from Java 8) and UCanAccess (more info here).

Note that Date/Time columns in Access always have both a Date and Time component, so you don't need to maintain separate columns for RegDate and Time.

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Gord Thompson
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The generic form could be :

    final String DB_DATE_FORMAT = "MM/dd/YYYY"; //not sure about this, modify to fit your Access date format
    final SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(DB_DATE_FORMAT);
    final String formattedDate = formatter.format(new Date());
Razvan Manolescu
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  • Why not just use java.sql.Date or java.sql.Timestamp? – MadProgrammer May 14 '15 at 21:59
  • I used your code Razvan. It is working really good but it doesn't insert the Time into the table......("System.out.println" is working properly).....code is given at the top of the page....... – Ravi Perera May 15 '15 at 13:26

your time is not the first column in the insert statement it is number 6 so just change your ps parameter as ps.setLong(6,currentTime.getTime());

Alaa Abuzaghleh
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