
I am trying to create a form that inputs data to my database however I am getting a syntax error unexpected T_String on line 56. The line in question is my SQL Insert statement but I can't find my error. My code is included below and any help would really be appreciated.

        foreach ($postNameArr as $postName){
        if (array_key_exists($postName, $_POST)){
            $w = "INSERT INTO tblContent('PageHeading', 'SubHeading', 'Content', 'PageTitle', 'MetaDescription', 'MetaKeywords') VALUES (["ph"],["sh"],["pc"],["pt"],["md"],["mk"])";
            //if it works...
            if ($conn->query($w) === TRUE) {
                echo "New record created successfully";
            //error handling
         else {
            echo "Error: " . $w . "<br>" . $conn->error."');";

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2 Answers2


The quotes in your VALUES clause are ending the string literal. However, rather than showing how to fix that, the best way to do this is using a prepared query.

$stmt = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO tblContent(`PageHeading`, `SubHeading`, `Content`, `PageTitle`, `MetaDescription`, `MetaKeywords`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
$stmt->bind_param("ssssss", $_POST["ph"],$_POST["sh"],$_POST["pc"],$_POST["pt"],$_POST["md"],$_POST["mk"]);

Also, the quotes that should go around table and column names are backticks, not single or double quotes -- those make string literals. But you don't usually need them at all, you only need them when the name conflicts with a MySQL reserved word or contains special characters.

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i did not understant this part


if ph,sh,pc are define you should write in double quotes.


you must put php verable in quotes. if your start with singel quotes you should put php variable in singel quotes for example

    $gettest="hello booboo !";
    $singel= ' i start with single quoes  so i put my variable in singel quotes '.$gettest.' ';
    $double= " i start with double quoes  so i put my variable in double quotes ".$gettest." ";

echo $singel."<br>";
echo $double."<br>";
Ahmet ATAK
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