
In my c# MVVM program. I set one observable collections. And I add to the image from the list. But i get Object reference not set to an instance of an object error.

   private ObservableCollection<SpecialAttractionImageModel> _SpecialAttractionImageModelObj = new ObservableCollection<SpecialAttractionImageModel>();

    public ObservableCollection<SpecialAttractionImageModel> SpecialAttractionImageModelObj
                get { return _SpecialAttractionImageModelObj; }
                    _SpecialAttractionImageModelObj = value;

foreach (String file in fd.FileNames)
                        FileInfo currentFile = new FileInfo(file);
                        _SpecialAttractionImageModelObj.Add(new SpecialAttractionImageModel()
                            AttractionImageGid = "new",
                            SpecialAttracionImagePath = file,
manoj mano
  • 19
  • 2

1 Answers1


Object is not initialized, maybe OnPropertyChanged("SpecialAttractionImageModelObj"); is the cause.

Stack Trace would help you figure out where this is happening.