Having trouble getting this script to run properly on an iphone 6. Keeps coming up as "not mobile". What am I missing?

    if ($(window).width < 700){
    else {
        alert("not mobile");

EDIT: apologies, the code I typed here had a typo, but was not the cause for my issue. I had inaccurate info on iphone resolution. Thanks everyone!

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7 Answers7


The iPhone 6 display has a resolution of 1334x750. When emulating iPhone6 in chrome dev tools the width is reported as 980 (I don't know if this is accurate).

You might be interested in this: http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/

Also, as others have noted, replace $(window).width with $(window).width()

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  • Whats the difference between viewport size and resolution? http://viewportsizes.com/?filter=iphone%206 – dsol828 Apr 26 '15 at 20:53
  • The site does not show any infos about device width/height. Go to whatismyscreenresolution.net instead. – Black Jan 24 '20 at 10:23
  • As this is old, I'm not sure you have figured it out the problem with mobile screens. But this solved the issue for me. Just add this in your tag. `` – Omar Omeiri Jul 16 '20 at 19:19

Well, ignoring what ekuusela said about screen resolution, you seem to have forgotten your parentheses after width, which is a method, not a field. To fix this, just add () after it:

if ($(window).width() < 700)

See the documentation for width() for more info.

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iPhone6 screen is 1334x750 pixels. If you only use the width to detect mobile user, see this instead.

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JQuery uses $(window).width(). It's a function, not a property.

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If you are using bootstrap add an element to the screen that only displays at a certain break point (bootstrap 4):

<div id="IsMobile" class="d-block d-lg-none"></div>

Then if it's visible:

if ($("#IsMobile").is(":visible")) {
     //Do Something...
Tom John
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You would want .width(), not just .width. Also, log it and make sure it's what you're expecting.

Bill Criswell
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This thread gets deep into the options both in Javascript and JQuery

Get the size of the screen, current web page and browser window

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