Newbie here. The problem is that I currently have written a method which checks uploaded file size and extension in order to validate it. However, checking extensions is not a solution as that kind of validation may cause a lot of problems. What I want to do is to check the actual file type and validate it without using extension method. I have tried to use jQuery file validator but to no avail... This is a snippet from my current code:

<input type='file' id='imageLoader' name='imageLoader' accept="image/*" data-type='image' />


App.Dispatcher.on("uploadpic", function() {         
        $(":file").change(function() {
            if (this.files && this.files[0] && this.files[0].name.match(/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/) ) {
                if(this.files[0].size>1048576) {
                    alert('File size is larger than 1MB!');
                else {
                    var reader = new FileReader();
                    reader.onload = imageIsLoaded;
            } else alert('This is not an image file!');
        function imageIsLoaded(e) {
            result = e.target.result;
            $('#image').attr('src', result);

It is called once the upload input changes and after validation it uploads and displays the image. For now, I only care about validation and any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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7 Answers7


Try something like this:


const file = this.files[0];
const  fileType = file['type'];
const validImageTypes = ['image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png'];
if (!validImageTypes.includes(fileType)) {
    // invalid file type code goes here.


var file = this.files[0];
var fileType = file["type"];
var validImageTypes = ["image/gif", "image/jpeg", "image/png"];
if ($.inArray(fileType, validImageTypes) < 0) {
     // invalid file type code goes here.
Raja Rama Mohan Thavalam
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    God, why I haven't thought about this? So simple, yet works perefectly, thank you! – Acallar Apr 23 '15 at 07:28
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    You shouldn't use capital letters to start a variable's name in Javascript. – Yonn Trimoreau Mar 08 '16 at 15:46
  • When I tried the same for docx extension files then file type is empty. Can you tell why it is and how I can check this ? – Varinder Nov 28 '16 at 14:03
  • @Varinder may be you can post a question on what you tried? This should be able to work with Microsoft Word documents as well. – Hoyen Nov 28 '16 at 14:26
  • Don't forget image/svg+xml – rboarman Nov 27 '18 at 21:51
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    This answer isn't right. If you change the extension of a file to, for example, .png or .jpg, you will always get a valid image file, even if your file is a pdf, txt or something not related with an image. Check @sujit answer or [this](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32222786/file-upload-check-if-valid-image) for a valid solution – bruno.almeida Nov 28 '18 at 15:09
  • In the documentation it is at bold this: "Developers are advised not to rely on this property as a sole validation scheme." https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/File/type#Example. – bruno.almeida Nov 28 '18 at 15:18

You don't need jquery here.

var mimeType=this.files[0]['type'];//mimeType=image/jpeg or application/pdf etc...

//ie image/jpeg will be ['image','jpeg'] and we keep the first value
    if(mimeType.split('/')[0] === 'image'){
       console.log('the file is image');

You can also create a function to check when a file is image.

function isImage(file){
   return file['type'].split('/')[0]=='image');//returns true or false


Update (es6)

using es6 includes method, makes it even more simple.

const isImage = (file) => file['type'].includes('image');
Mike Antoniadis
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Pls refer a related query here. The answer here suggests to load the image in an Image object and check for it's width and height properties to be non zero. I think the technique can be used to solve your problem too.

I also worked out a fiddle for you to refer. Pertinent code below:

var img = new Image();
  img.src = picFile.result; 
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  • This should be the accepted answer. Other answers user `file.type`, that only have the information of the file extension. For more information check https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/File/type#Example – bruno.almeida Nov 28 '18 at 15:17

Here is a quick tip if you just want to know if the file is an image:

var file = this.files[0];
var fileType = file["type"];

if (fileType.search('image') >= 0) {
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What I want to do is to check the actual file type

Try accessing files[0].type property . See Using files from web applications

$(":file").on("change", function(e) {

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input type='file' id='imageLoader' name='imageLoader' accept="image/*" data-type='image' />
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  • Somehow I managed to miss this .type thingy, no sophisticated methods are needed, this works great, thank you (: – Acallar Apr 23 '15 at 07:29
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    Just curious. As per your original question "However, checking extensions is not a solution as that kind of validation may cause a lot of problems. What I want to do is to check the actual file type": - Want to check whether the type attribute really returns anything other than checking the extension internally. Since, while I was attempting to answer the OP, i found that when i renamed a text file to a.png and uploaded it, the type attribute check for image was a success even though the actual file wasn't one. – sujit Apr 24 '15 at 04:39

If anyone comes here who is using jQuery Validator, a simple method would be:

    function (value, element) {
        if (this.optional(element) || !element.files || !element.files[0]) {
            return true;
        } else {
            var fileType = element.files[0].type;
            var isImage = /^(image)\//i.test(fileType);
            return isImage;
    'Sorry, we can only accept image files.'

which is then added to the .validate() function.

Neil Thompson
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You could try to convert file type in string and after that slice this string like that:

if(String(file.type).slice(0, 6) === 'image/') {....some code}
Oleg Sewruk
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