I am building a library which is a set of folders containing Model View Controller Javascript files.
Each files has dependencies declared using require syntax:

], function(moduleAModel, moduleAController) {
    function moduleAView(param) {
        // ....

I am compiling this library using GruntJS with the great "grunt-contrib-requirejs".
The problem is that as a library there is no entry point, no main.
I want users to be able to use it by calling each module when they need it.

Here are my questions:

How can I build one javascript file for the library which includes all the modules without declaring them one by one ?

How can I reuse this library later on another project ? I tried this :

define(function(require) {
    var myLibrary = require('js/external-libs/myMinifiedLibrary.min');
    var moduleAV = new moduleAView();

But of course second lines fail, is there something like require(myLibrary.moduleAView) ?

What would you suggest ?

I found out that when you have minified on one single file all your modules, you have multiple defines on one page, this is interpreted as a script for requirejs and you have to load it twice ! (first time the whole file, second times your main). Then my 'main' or entry point is built manually (which is still a problem) on rockerest answers. So solution to my second question is on this post:

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1 Answers1


I had the opposite problem: I wanted users to pull the library and not have to know about each internal module.

To accomplish this, I created a single entry point that returns the parent module. The parent then handles deferring to children as necessary.

This file is that entry point.

If I modified that file to return an object, each internal module would be available on the loaded library:

    ["layout", "region"],
    function( Layout, Region ){
        return {
            "LayoutModule": Layout,
            "RegionModule": Region

I think this is what you want:

  • the r.js optimizer builds everything into one file
  • other code simply includes the library file (require( "myLib" ))
  • each individual module is available on the response object (myLib.LayoutModule, myLib.RegionModule).
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  • Really interesting, it answers my second questions, but still I would have to declare each module on the entry point. The problem of doing that is that I have a library core folder with many files, but also on each optionnal module I have a lot of files, Adding a new line each time I Want to add a module would broke the fact that my code is modular – Tim Apr 22 '15 at 09:51
  • @Tim It sounds like you're saying something like: "I want a dependency loader to load all my dependencies, but I don't want to have to define my dependencies!" Your code is still modular, but you have to SOMEHOW tell your library what modules it needs! – STLMikey Apr 22 '15 at 17:42
  • @SLTMikey I probably wasn't so clear, I don't want to define my dependencies 'manually' when I build my library, I want to have everything in one file. Also my depencies are well defined for each files, the problem is that I have a lot of files. I want to be able to use those modules when I use this library. – Tim Apr 23 '15 at 08:24
  • @rockerest By the way, I don't succeed to use myLib.LayoutModule, I'm probably doing something wrong, should I use require optimizer with a sort of AMD wrap ? – Tim Apr 23 '15 at 08:24