I'm developing some RESTful services in WCF 4.0. I've got a method as below:

    [WebGet(UriTemplate = "Test?format=XML&records={records}", ResponseFormat=WebMessageFormat.Xml)]
    public string TestXml(string records)
        return "Hello XML";

So if i navigate my browser to http://localhost:8000/Service/Test?format=XML&records=10, then everything works as exepcted.

HOWEVER, i want to be able to navigate to http://localhost:8000/Service/Test?format=XML and leave off the "&records=10" portion of the URL. But now, I get a service error since the URI doesn't match the expected URI template.

So how do I implement defaults for some of my query string parameters? I want to default the "records" to 10 for instance if that part is left off the query string.

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5 Answers5


Note: This question is out of date, please see the other answers.

This does not appear to be supported.

However, Microsoft has been made aware of this issue and there is a work-around:

You can get the desired effect by omitting the Query string from the UriTemplate on your WebGet or WebInvoke attribute, and using WebOperationContext.Current.IncomingRequest.UriTemplateMatch.QueryParameters from within your handlers to inspect, set defaults, etc. on the query parameters.


Jeremy Thompson
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    So that appears to work well. However, if I try to run the unit test against this, it no longer works since a unit test doesn't have a WebOperationContext. I looked up a few examples, but does anyone have a simple example of how to mock the WebOperationContext? – Shafique Jun 07 '10 at 21:33
  • Try Googling "mock WebOperationContext". There are lot's of different ideas on how to do this. – luksan Jun 07 '10 at 23:45

According to this answer this is fixed in .NET 4.0. Failing to supply the query string parameter seems to result in its being given the default value for the type.

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Check this blog post out. Makes sense to me, and comes with a class to parse out the query string parameters.


Basically don't define the query string parameters in the UriTemplate so it matches with/without the parameters, and use the sample class to retrieve them if they're there in the method implementation.

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This seems to work in WCF 4.0.
Just make sure to set your default value in your "Service1.svc.cs"

public string TestXml(string records)
  if (records == null)
      records = "10";

  //... rest of the code
João Serra
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While this is an old question, we still come to this scenario from time to time in recent projects.

To send optional query parameters, I created WCF Web Extensions nuget package.

After installation, you can use the package like this:

using (var factory = new WebChannelFactory<IQueryParametersTestService>(new WebHttpBinding()))
    factory.Endpoint.Address = new EndpointAddress(ServiceUri);
    factory.Endpoint.EndpointBehaviors.Add(new QueryParametersServiceBehavior());
    using (var client = factory.CreateWebChannel())
        client.AddQueryParameter("format", "xml");
        client.AddQueryParameter("version", "2");
        var result = client.Channel.GetReport();

Server side you can retrieve the parameters using WebOperationContext:

Cosmin Vană
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