I have a simple TreeView bound to an XMLDocument. I made some buttons which move elements up/down the tree. They work as intended but an annoying consequence is that the element that moves is deselected, and it's parent is selected. Meaning that if I want to move the element up twice, I would have to manually reselect it.

    private void MoveUpTV_Click (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        XmlDataProvider XMLD = this.FindResource("xmldata") as XmlDataProvider;
        XmlElement selectedElement = (XmlElement)myTree.SelectedItem;
        selectedElement.ParentNode.InsertBefore(selectedElement, selectedElement.PreviousSibling);
        string source = XMLD.Source.LocalPath;

Can someone please point me in the right direction? I have no idea where to start. Thanks.

1 Answers1


WPF Treeview has no setter to set selectedItem. You can have an additional property 'IsSelected' for each item in the data source. Please go through this and this link for more info.

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