I have nested foreach loops to show MySQL records in nested array.

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $departments[$row['department_name']][$row['group_name']][] = $row['lab_test'] . ',' . $row['result'] . ',' . $row['um'] . ',' . $row['reference_interval'];

  foreach($departments as $department_name => $groups){
    echo "<tr class='department'><td>" . $department_name . "</td></tr>";
        foreach($groups as $group_name => $tests){
               echo "<tr class='test_group'><td>" . $group_name . "</td></tr>";
                   foreach($tests as $test){
                          list($test_name, $test_result, $test_um, $test_interval) = explode(',', $test);   

echo "<tr class='test_item'><td>" . $test_name . "</td><td>" . $test_result . "</td><td>" . $test_um . "</td><td>" . $test_interval . "</td></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>";

This works OK, but I want to change it so that $group_name only shows if it is not equal to $test_name. The problem being $test_name is not initiated until the next foreach loop.

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3 Answers3


I didn't think of duplicating the foreach loop to get $test_name values earlier in the logic. This works, but it seems kind of messy, but it works...

foreach($departments as $department_name => $groups){
    echo "<tr class='department'><td>" . $department_name . "</td></tr>";
        foreach($groups as $group_name => $tests){
            foreach($tests as $test){
                          list($test_name, $test_result, $test_um, $test_interval) = explode(',', $test);   
            if($group_name != $test_name){
               echo "<tr class='test_group'><td>" . $group_name . "</td></tr>";
                   foreach($tests as $test){
                          list($test_name, $test_result, $test_um, $test_interval) = explode(',', $test);   
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First off, take a serious look at your code structure. 3 nested foreach loops is generally not good practice.

I'd suggest re-writing this to take advantage of the stdClass in PHP.

A re-write would accomplish what you're looking for rather quickly:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
  $resultObj = new stdClass();
  $resultObj->department_name = $row['department_name'];
  $resultObj->group_name = $row['group_name'];
  $resultObj->lab_test = $row['lab_test'];
  $results[] = $resultObj;

foreach($results as $result) {
  if ($resultObj->group_name != ($resultObj->lab_test . "," . $resultObj->result . "," . $resultObj->um . "," . $resultObj->reference_interval)) {
    // the group_name is not equal to the concatenated string above
    // so here is where you would echo your table row

I'd also look into the table format that you have. For readability, you'll want to use colspan on the trs that contain the group_name and department

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Adam Link
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  • Thanks for this...looks much cleaner and manageable...I'll give it a go. – IlludiumPu36 Mar 19 '15 at 02:46
  • I can't see how you could get tests to display under their associated test group names...that was why I was using nested foreach loops. – IlludiumPu36 Mar 19 '15 at 02:50
  • I understand why, but there is a cleaner way to do what you're trying to do. One of the biggest things you can do, if you have a list of the test names as separate data, is to put those test names into a different array, rather than having them in the `$departments` array. So you'd have `$departments` and `$test_group_names` – Adam Link Mar 19 '15 at 02:52

I am suggest this code to use before third foreach.

if($group_name != $tests[$group_name][0])
  echo "<tr class='test_group'><td>" . $group_name . "</td></tr>";
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