I have this JSF (Java EE 7, provided by GlassFish 4.1 + PrimeFaces 5.1) form containing database connection information like host name, port number, etc. Also part of this form is a URL field. I want this field to be editable, but I also want to be able to set the value based on the other fields.

To do so I created a button with an action listener where I'm reading the posted data from the request parameter map and generate the new URL value. Then I want to put the new value in the URL field and use that value instead of the posted data. What I tried is to get the component as EditableValueHolder and set the submitted value and render the response. I also tried setting the component's value and calling resetValue.

The best result was the URL field being updates after two clicks.


<p:inputText id="url"
<p:commandButton icon="ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-w"
  <p:ajax update="url" />

Bean (using OmniFaces):

UIComponent urlComponent = Faces.getViewRoot().findComponent(namingContainer + "url");
if (urlComponent instanceof EditableValueHolder) {
  EditableValueHolder editValHolder = (EditableValueHolder) urlComponent;
Jasper de Vries
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1 Answers1


The immediate="true" is a leftover from JSF 1.x, when it was not possible to process only a specific set of inputs and/or buttons. It was then more than often abused to process only a specific set of inputs and/or buttons instead of to prioritize validation. You'd better not use it when you've JSF2 ajax at hands.

With JSF2 ajax you can just use execute="..." or in case of PrimeFaces process="..." to execute/process only a specific set of inputs/buttons.

<p:inputText id="url"
             value="#{database.url}" />
<p:commandButton icon="ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-w"
                 update="url" />

Then you can just update the model value.

public void createConnectionURL(String namingContainer) {
    // ...
    url = urlValue;

Note that I moved back <p:ajax update> into the <p:commandButton>. Perhaps you was mixing with <h:commandButton>.

See also:

Unrelated to the concrete problem, to deal with components with OmniFaces, better use Components utility class.

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