I tried to count the total number of words which are present in the file. The code below is showing 0 words as an output. Please help me fix this problem.

This code is saved in Countsample.pm:

package Countsample;

use strict;
use base"Exporter";
#use 5.010;

our @EXPORT=();
our @EXPORT_OK=qw(word_count);

sub word_count
    while(my $line=<>)
    my $word_count;

    my @words_on_line = split;
    $word_count+= @words_on_line;

    print"File contains $word_count words\n";


Now in main program which is saved in Countsample1.pl:


use Countsample qw(word_count);

The output I am getting is

syntax error at Countsample.pm line 14, near ")
my "
Global symbol "$word_count" requires explicit package name at Countsample.pm line 14.
Global symbol "$word_count" requires explicit package name at Countsample.pm line 18.
Global symbol "$word_count" requires explicit package name at Countsample.pm line 21.
Compilation failed in require at Countsample1.pl line 3.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Countsample1.pl line 3.
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    Posting a question on StackOverflow every time you get a syntax error isn't a great way to learn to program. You need to develop the analytical skills to fix these problems yourself. The error shows you where the problem is (well, within a line or two). What stops you taking a close look at those lines and working out what went wrong for yourself? – Dave Cross Mar 12 '15 at 15:57

3 Answers3


You need to give your program either a file or some input. E.g.

 perl Countsample1.pl Countsample.pm

will count the words in Countsample.pm

Also, you want while (my $line = <>) instead of the open. Did you notice how you never read from anything? I am assuming this is homework, so I am not going to post a completely re-written script.

Now, you must decide whether you are going to count words in just test1.txt, or anything given on the commandline or STDIN (that's what using <> means).

Assuming the latter, your word_count subroutine becomes rather simpler:

sub word_count {
    my $count;
    while (my $line=<>) {
        my @words_on_line = split ' ', $line;
        $count += @words_on_line;
    print "File contains $count words\n";
    return; # don't accidentally use the return value of print as count

Of course, it would be better to just return the count from this subroutine and have the caller decide what to do with the return value.

PS: Your shebang line is wrong. It should be #!/usr/bin/perl if you want to use the system perl.

PPS: You don't need to inherit from Exporter. In most cases,

use Exporter qw( import );

is all you need.

PPPS: Don't export stuff by default. Instead, do:

our @EXPORT = (); # nothing is exported by default
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( word_count ); # word_count is exported if asked

and then use

use Countsample qw( word_count );

so you can invoke Countsample::word_count as just word_count.

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There are some syntax errors in your script :

sub word_count {
    open(my $IP, '<', 'test1.txt') or die $!;
    #                              ^^^^^^^^^ always test the result of open                             
    my $word_count;
    # you must defined the counter outside of the while loop
    while(my $line=<$IP>) {
        #                 ^ you missed begin while bloc
        my @words_on_line = split ' ', $line;
        $word_count+= @words_on_line;
    } # and close while bloc
    # print the total outside of the loop
    print"File contains $word_count words\n";
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Here's the error I get:

$ perl Countsample1.pl
syntax error at Countsample.pm line 14, near ")
    my "
Global symbol "$word_count" requires explicit package name at Countsample.pm line 14.
Global symbol "$word_count" requires explicit package name at Countsample.pm line 18.
Global symbol "$word_count" requires explicit package name at Countsample.pm line 21.
Compilation failed in require at Countsample1.pl line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Countsample1.pl line 1.

Lines 13 and 14 are:

while(my $line=<>)
my $word_count;

Your while loop needs a block of code. And blocks of code are delimited with braces. I think those lines (and the few following ones) should be:

my $word_count;
while(my $line=<>) {
    my @words_on_line = split;
    $word_count+= @words_on_line;

I've also moved my $word_count outside of the loop - you really don't want to reset it to zero on each loop iteration, do you?

Hmm.. now when I run it it just hangs. What could be wrong? That usually means either an infinite loop or a program waiting for input.

In this case, it's the program waiting for input.

while(my $line=<>)

This reads from STDIN (ok, yes, actually it reads from either STDIN or the files which have been passed on the command line - but there weren't any in this example, so STDIN it is). Presumably, you want it to read from the filehandle that have just opened. So use that instead.

while(my $line=<IP>)

Now it doesn't hang. But it says that my test file contains 0 words. And that's wrong.

Ah the problem is here. my $line=<IP> puts the line into $line. But you split the line with just split, which works on $_, not $line. Let's remove the my $line= so that the while loop puts the data into $_.

while (<IP>)

Now the program says that my file contains 5 words. Which is better than zero, but probably not right. So there's likely to be a logic problem.

Now you start debugging you logic...

Update: Actually, no. My file did contain only five words. So the logic is sound. Time to start adding more features. And perhaps modernising your code - for example replacing your old-style open() statement (open(IP,"test1.txt")) with something more modern (open my $ip, '<', "test1.txt")). Also check the return value from open() - open my $ip, '<', "test1.txt") or die $!.

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Dave Cross
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