I am trying to add dummy markers of german companies in Leaflet map using separate geoJSON file, but each time Mozilla returns a non well formed error.

I have tried the solutions proposed in this topic concerning MIME error: "not well-formed" error in Firefox when loading JSON file with XMLHttpRequest


But nothing changed. There are a lot of topic about server problems but I'm still in local. I didn't found other people using leaflet and geojson with this problem.

I also tried with a HTML link:

  <link rel="points" type= "application/json" href="assets/js/mess/german_company.geojson">

And use this link in my js file:

//dummy data markers
$.getJSON($('link[rel="points"]').attr("href"), function(data){
  var markers = L.geoJson(data, {
    onEachFeature: function (feature, layer){
      layer.addEventListener("click", function(){
      var result = document.getElementById("result");
      result.innerHTML = feature.properties.Company + "<br/>Sales: " + feature.properties.Sales + " €<br/>Margin: " + feature.properties.Margin + " €";

With this method, the map is displayed with the markers, so it works, but I've still this "not well formed" error and I think this causes error with other plugin I use (leaflet.markercluster works but the markers still appear when I zoom out, markers cannot be hide with leaflet removeLayer function)

Anyone have an idea to solve this "not well formed" error? Thanks!

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  • You can try to amend the mimetype using `beforeSend` as [in this example](http://stackoverflow.com/a/250245/1377002). It will mean you switching to using `ajax` instead of `getJson`, but this solution works because I've used it myself. – Andy Mar 11 '15 at 10:26
  • Can you provide a link to the actual data? It's likely that it's invalid JSON. – tmcw Mar 11 '15 at 21:50
  • Thanks Andy, it works. I had already switch to ajax call but I only put `dataType: 'json'` With `beforeSend` I have no errors – Mickael Sivo Mar 12 '15 at 11:00

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