I have a json response as follows:

    attempts: 0,
    created_at: "2015-03-03 20:05:50",
    created_by: null,
    deleted_at: null,
    display_name: null,

In JavaScript, i've checked it as follows:

    return toTitleCase(data.response.display_name);

According to the above code, display_name should never have passed to toTitleCase. However, the above condition is validated as false and hence a null object is passed to the function. Looking around here, I found this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/26330848/1411975

However, trying that as

    return toTitleCase(data.response.display_name);

also gave me errors. How do I check if the value is null? I don't have control over the incoming data so there's no way I can change that to undefined.

EDITS: Any extra information I've missed out.

  • The server is in Laravel if that makes a difference and the values are being picked from a MySQL db.
  • The response object as pasted above is correct.
  • Console.log for data.response

    attempts: 0
    created_at: "2015-03-03 20:05:50"
    created_by: null
    deleted_at: null
    display_name: null
  • Console.log for data.response.display_name

  • Error on using second method:

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of null

    Since toTitleCase has a replace() method implemented.


 function returnUsername(data){
    if(data.response.display_name !="" || data.response.display_name!=null){
        return toTitleCase(data.response.display_name);
            return toTitleCase(data.response.username);
function toTitleCase(str){
    return str.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt){return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();});

Full trace:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of null
at toTitleCase (app.js:850)
at returnUsername (app.js:842)
at app.js:498
at angular.js:8148
at l.promise.then.J (angular.js:11659)
at l.promise.then.J (angular.js:11659)
at angular.js:11745
at h.$get.h.$eval (angular.js:12788)
at h.$get.h.$digest (angular.js:12600)
at h.$get.h.$apply (angular.js:12892)
  • 1
  • 1
  • 5,331
  • 12
  • 58
  • 95

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