I've a panel in my scene (ErrorMessage), I've been disabled it in the editor and writed this in my C# script:

            if(getUsernameResponse == "Login OK") {
            } else {
                GameObject ErrorMessage = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ErrorMessage");

The script should enable (show) my ErrorMessage if getUsernameResponse have a different response of "Login OK".. but when I start the liveDemo I see this error:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) in row:41 (ErrorMessage.SetActive(true);)

I've tried to enable the ErrorMessage from the editor and disable with

if(getUsernameResponse == "Login OK") {
            } else {
                GameObject ErrorMessage = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ErrorMessage");

in my source and it works fine, how can I disable ErrorMessage (UI.Panel) from my script?

Thanks for support.

Mirko Brombin
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2 Answers2


It simply means that:

GameObject ErrorMessage = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ErrorMessage");

is not finding the game object.

Probably because you did not actually put a tag on the GameObject, or the tag is spelled wrong. And be sure to remember layers are not tags!

Really though, I don't know your whole setup, but my suspicion is whatever your doing, you really shouldn't be doing. Creating a tag for an errorMessage dialogue? I've written a lot of UI's in Unity. Never have a I tagged anything in a UI. Tagging should be used for very generic grouping of types of objects in the scene that you need to easily grab as a group. TeamA, TeamB, AI, powerup. It should not be used for grabbing just one object, of a very specific nature.

I would use GameObject.Find and search for it by name of the actual GameObject.

Or I would do what Miron Alex said and create a slot in the inspector, then drag the GameObject into it. Which ideally should be a serialized private variable.

private GameObject errorMessage;
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A NullReferenceException is thrown when an object is "null" as in, it does not exist. In your code, the method


didn't find any object with the "ErrorMessage" tag, which means it returned "null" and assigned "null" to the ErrorMessage GameObject. When you are trying to call a method on a "null" object it will throw a "NullReferenceException" because a "null" value doesn't know anything about the "SetActive(bool value)" method (As a GameObject does).

Make sure you have an object tagged as "errorMessage" in the scene. To make this easier, make a public GameObject in your code, name it ErrorMessage and assign it in the inspector.

public GameObject errorMessage;

if(getUsernameResponse == "Login OK") 

Should do the trick.

Miron Alex
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  • That does not really answer the question **when there is no object in the scene tagged as `ErrorMessage`** or assigned to your `errorMessage` field. Your code is **not** checking for `null`s. Plus the OP is using `tags`, not wanting to specifically assign an object to a behaviour. OP asked for fixes for _"Object reference not set to an instance of an object"_ which can still happen in your code. Consider revising. Good luck – MickyD Mar 02 '15 at 07:37
  • Thanks, i try this today, let you know. – Mirko Brombin Mar 02 '15 at 07:41
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    This not solved my problem, i've already declared ErrorMesage (ErrorMessage not errorMessage) in my script: GameObject ErrorMessage = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ErrorMessage"); – Mirko Brombin Mar 02 '15 at 07:46
  • You haven't answered if you have placed the tag "ErrorMessage" in the editor, which is likely the solution to your problem. – Diego Alares Mar 03 '15 at 07:55
  • this solved my problem thanks, I've declared my UI.Panel as a GameObject thanks. – Mirko Brombin Mar 03 '15 at 10:33